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  • Ohio’s DOT Set to Deploy Drones to Help Manage Federal Highway Traffic

    State departments of transportation are hoping to utilize drones in a variety of applications that support planning, construction, maintenance, and operations within their jurisdictions.  In most cases, a host of technical, regulatory, and operational issues still limit their actual deployment.  However, a number of pilot studies are getting underway that promise to reveal what drones... Read More

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  • Ireland-Based Manna Expands Its Drone Deliveries to a Second Dublin Suburb

     Ireland’s premier drone delivery service is set to expand its operations to a second suburb just outside Dublin, the nation’s capital.  Manna, founded in 2018, already services roughly 35,000 customers in Balbriggan, a small suburb north of Dublin.  Its newest operation, planned for Blanchardstown’s 100,000- strong household market in the south, will set the... Read More

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  • Will Amazon’s Long-Delayed Drone Service Finally Prove Airworthy?

    Amazon Prime Air, the mass retailer’s drone service, continues to face obstacles to a full-scale launch of its long-delayed operations.  While some experimental drone deliveries have gotten underway in two small towns – Lockeford, CA and College Station, TX – the FAA has yet to grant the company authority to fly without close visual observation... Read More

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  • The Role of Indoor Drones in Nuclear Radiation and Waste Detection

    Inspection drones are one the fastest growing components of the global UAV industry.  In fact, the types of inspection drones vary widely, almost as widely as the kinds of niches in which they’re needed.  One basic difference is between indoor and outdoor inspection drones.  While outdoor drones typically survey power grids and oil and gas... Read More

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  • Could Lift’s “Hexa” Make a Drone Pilot of Us All?

    It’s the closest thing to a Jetsonian flying car fantasy come true.  The Hexa, manufactured by Lift Aircraft, could one day allow everyday consumers to fly in a personal aircraft without a pilot’s license – or even extensive training. The Austin, TX-based company secured its initial funding to develop the aircraft through a Small Business... Read More

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  • Japan is Making a Strategic Investment in “Dual Use” Underwater Drone Technology

    Japan’s defense establishment is anxious to develop unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) to strengthen the island nation’s maritime security against China’s rising military ambitions in the Pacific. But Japan’s UUVs will also have important civilian uses in marine research and conservation and underwater pipeline inspections, senior officials say.  For Japan, creating “dual-use” applications for underwater drones... Read More

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  • Indiana-Based UAV Company Rushing to Fill Consumer Demand for US-Built Drones

    For years, foreign UAV manufacturers have enjoyed ready access to the U.S. consumer market, allowing them to monopolize sales in nearly every drone niche, from recreational flying to law enforcement.  But with pressure growing to limit their access, long-standing domestic suppliers like Skydio and Skyfish are rushing to fill the void.  And so are a... Read More

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  • Another Drone First Responder Program Gets Underway in Fremont, California

    The police and fire departments of Fremont, California have just added a powerful new asset to their crime fighting arsenal:  a “first-responder” drone that can arrive at prospective crime and accidents scenes ahead of field officers to provide them with real-time situational intelligence via live streaming video, even in the dark. The drone first-responder program,... Read More

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  • Maine’s Public Sector Agencies Are Warming to Drones. Where is the Private Sector?

    Maine, like most of New England, isn’t known as a drone industry hotbed. Like neighboring Vermont and New Hampshire, the state hasn’t moved to pass legislation that would speed the pace of drone commerce. In fact, resistance to drone flying due to privacy concerns, especially in small towns in rural Maine, remains high.   But quietly,... Read More

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