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  • Could a Little-Known Norwegian Delivery Drone Overtake the Global Competition? 

    2024 promises to be a banner year for small package delivery drones, with several FAA-certified UAV companies – including Zipline, Drone-Up and Wing – surging to the forefront of the US market.  But they shouldn’t get too comfortable.  Across the pond, some lesser-known drone companies, including Ireland’s Manna, and a little-known Norwegian upstart, Aviant, with... Read More

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  • Could Drones Help Deter Illegal Labor and Environmental Practices?

    Critics of unmanned aerial vehicles often raise concerns about real and potential violations of personal and business privacy.  But some of those apparent violations could well be in the public interest.  For the past 5 years, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, or OSHA, has pushed for the authority to deploy aerial drones as a... Read More

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  • When Separated From its Owner, A Drone Could be a Dog’s Best Friend

    Drones are increasingly well-known for helping first-responders find and rescue lost and missing persons.  But what about lost and missing animals? Jim Brice, a dog owner in Antwerp, NY, lost track of Shelby, his service dog last month, and grew frantic after several days of intensive searching for his pet. That’s when he decided to... Read More

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  • Underwater Drones Can Revolutionize the Study and Protection of Coral Reefs, Scientists Say

    Scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), in collaboration with the Japanese telecommunications company NTT Communications, have begun deploying underwater drones to monitor the development of coral reefs subject to deterioration due to climate change. The remotely-piloted custom-built drones, the first to be used in Japan for the purpose of marine research, ... Read More

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  • Police Drone Video Catches Beverly Hills, CA Thief in the Act

     Law enforcement drones are sweeping across America, helping local police catch fleeing criminal suspects and rescuing lost and missing persons.  Occasionally, their high-powered video cameras even catch a perpetrator red-handed. It happened last week in Beverly Hills, California, when a BHPD police drone, responding to a house alarm, caught a burglar climbing from the... Read More

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  • Nevada-Based Skydrop Is Finding New Drone Wings Overseas

     In July 2016, one of the first drones flying commercially in the United States carried a box of Slurpees, snacks and a chicken sandwich from a 7-11 convenience store in Nevada to a nearby customer’s back garden.  The drone carrier, then known as Flirtey, envisioned a booming business future for itself and for the... Read More

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  • Mighty Fly’s State-of-the-Art Third Generation Cargo Drone Has Just Hit the Market

    San Francisco-based Mighty Fly is a good example of a small drone company with outsized global ambitions – and the cutting-edge design expertise and fierce entrepreneurial drive needed to realize them. In just three years since its founding, the firm – owned and directed by Manal Habib– a remarkable woman in an industry still heavily... Read More

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  • India’s Garuda Aerospace Poised to Surge in the Global Drone Market

    DJI remains the world’s number one drone brand – and for good reason.  The China-based company still makes the most technologically sophisticated UAVs, with applications across a wide range of commercial niches, from precision agriculture to fire-fighting.  But some companies are beginning to encroach upon DJI’s historic dominance of the camera drone market.  One example... Read More

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  • New Jersey is a Drone Industry Trend Setter

    New Jersey, with its dense population centers and busy international airports, would seem like an inauspicious site for a burgeoning drone industry.  But, in fact, the Garden State is a national trend-setter, ranking #10 on the Virginia-based Mercatus Center’s 2023 scorecard of America’s most “drone-ready” state jurisdictions.  New Jersey scored 58 out of a possible... Read More

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  • Island Conservation Pioneers the Use of Drones to Eradicate Invasive Species

    Eradicating invasive plant, animal and insect species is an important conservation priority.  It’s especially critical in isolated island habitats that threaten to be overrun if these species are not contained.  Most of the wildlife extinctions that occur in the world are concentrated in island environments, and in nearly 85% of these cases, non-native species invasions... Read More

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