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  • The Flying Machine Arena is a Portable Space For Testing Drones

    In 1998 Rafaello D’Andrea founded the Cornell University Robot Soccer Team to compete in the Robot World Cup Initiative, otherwise known as RoboCup.  The purpose of RoboCup was to encourage research in the design and development of artificial intelligence and robots.  Under the directorship of D’Andrea the Cornell team went on to win RoboCup the... Read More

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  • ConocoPhillips Alaska Using Drones In the Oil Industry

    With their headquarters in Anchorage, ConocoPhillips Alaska is the third largest oil and gas company in the United States.  They are the world’s largest pure-play exploration and production company, meaning that they focus solely in the field of natural gasses.  They are the largest oil producer in Alaska and have been a leader in the... Read More

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  • Building Companies Plan On Using Drones In Future Construction Projects

    With an ever growing population, comes the need for continual construction projects.  People need homes, places to work, shop, relax, and so much more.  In any given town or city there will undoubtedly be some kind of ongoing construction project.  These projects take a lot of time, money and resources.  Lately construction teams have been... Read More

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  • Google’s Drone Company, Wing, to Begin Drone Deliveries

    In 2015, after some corporate restructuring, Alphabet Inc. became the parent company for Google and several Google subsidiaries.  One of these subsidiaries is Wing, a branch of the conglomerate that specializes in the development of drone technologies.  The main goal of Wing is to develop a drone that is capable of delivering small packages directly... Read More

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  • FAA Grants UPS License to Expand Drone Deliveries

    We’ve been waiting and waiting, and now it’s finally here!  Well, sort of.  Google, Amazon, Walmart, and UPS have all been competing to be the first service to offer deliveries via drones for some time now.  So which shipping conglomerate won the contract?  Congrats to UPS!  But before you get your hopes up and sit... Read More

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  • Chinese Police Find Escaped Convict With Help From a Drone

    In 2002, a man given the name Song Jiang by the Chinese police escaped from a prison camp.  Song had been convicted of the trafficking of women and children.  This month, 17 years later, Song who is now 63 years old has been recaptured by authorities with the aid of a drone.  Once again proving... Read More

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  • DJI Creates Drone to Help Farmers

    Drones are being used in countless fields around the world.  They were first used as expensive, precision military tools.  Now drones are available in so many styles, sizes and price ranges that a drone for every need can be easily met.  DJI is arguably the largest drone manufacturer on the market right now, and for... Read More

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  • Military Officially Begins Using MQ-9 “Reaper” Drone

    On May 1, 2007 the United States Air Force officially began using the MQ-9 Reaper drone, also known as the Predator B.  Developed by General Atomics, the Reaper is a long endurance, high altitude UAV that can be flown remotely or autonomously.  In 2006 the Reaper made history as then US Air Force Chief of... Read More

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