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  • A New DJI Niche:  Drone-Assisted Archaeological Exploration

    Archaeological exploration isn’t easy when the search site is located in a remote inaccessible jungle and covered with dense foliage.  A case in point is the search for ancient Mayan ruins in Guatemala.  But thanks to unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with advanced LiDAR technology, scientists can locate likely ruin sites quickly before commencing a formal... Read More

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  • Hampton, VA-Based Mitre Corporation Introduces a New Maritime Surveillance Drone

    Tracking hurricanes and other extreme weather events with nautical drones is a special niche.  For the past two years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in partnership with a private firm, Sail Drone, has been doing just that.  The company’s specially designed and equipped drones are deployed in hurricane prone areas to gather vital... Read More

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  • Once Again, Shelby County, TN Law Enforcement Turns to Drones

    Tennessee isn’t known for aggressively promoting the development of a domestic drone industry.  It ranks 29th on the Mercatus Center’s annual ranking of states and their “readiness” to accommodate business drone fliers and hobbyists.  But in one area – law enforcement – interest in drones in Tennessee has been rising rapidly. In fact, Nashville’s Police... Read More

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  • Drone Pioneer Wing Introduces a Larger Model for Scalable Deliveries Nationwide

    Wing, a leader in aerial retail package deliveries, continues to surge to the forefront of the global drone industry.  Its latest innovation?  The introduction of a larger drone prototype that can deliver heavier packages and service multiple customers from a single point of origin, under the control of a remote pilot than can direct long-distance... Read More

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  • Switzerland-Based Dufour Surges to the Forefront of the Hybrid Drone Market

    Hybrid drones that draw upon gas combustion and electric power propulsion are becoming more popular and visible in the global UAV market.  These drones combine the best of both worlds – increased sustainability and longer flight duration.  Typically they also accommodate heavier payload to perform a wider range of missions from business cargo delivery and... Read More

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  • China-Based Autel Is About to Give DJI a Run for Its Money

    DJI, the world’s leading drone designer and manufacturer, with a monopoly on global sales, is beginning to face stiff competition from a number of upstart drone companies, including Autel Robotics, a rival China-based firm that is about to unveil a slew of new drone products that could give DJI – and everyone else – a... Read More

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  • Schenectady, New York Launches One of the Nation’s Largest Police Drone Programs

    New York City isn’t the only locale in the Empire State that is turning to unmanned aerial vehicles to enhance its law enforcement operations.  A hundred and seventy miles north, in the small town of Schenectady, NY (pop. 67,000), the local police department has just won approval from the town council to launch one of... Read More

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  • Drone-Up’s New FAA Waiver Reflects a Shift Toward Diversification

    Virginia based Drone-Up is the latest drone firm to receive an FAA BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) waiver allowing the company to make long distance aerial deliveries without the need for ground-based visual observers.  Several other UAV companies, including Wing and Zipline, received the same coveted waiver last September, which has allowed them to... Read More

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