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  • Using Drones to Measure Glaciers

    Glaciers are massive structures of ice that can take centuries to form.  They are in a constant state of motion and change.  The rate at which this happens depends on the friction in the area.  Some glaciers move faster than others, but they all move relatively slowly.  But recently the rate at which glaciers move... Read More

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  • Drone Operator Saves Family From Potential Shark Attack

    A Florida man was able to use his drone to quite likely save his family this week.  What was meant to be a day of relaxation and fun at New Smyrna Beach, FL almost turned to tragedy when a massive shark was spotted swimming dangerously close to a family splashing in the shallows.  Luckily the... Read More

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  • US Military To Begin Using Miniature Drones

    The United States military currently has around 14,000 troops throughout Afghanistan.  Over the last 17 years of American military presence there, the US has utilized a wide range of the latest and most sophisticated technology available to aid in missions.  One of the most common forms of advanced technology being used is military grade drones. ... Read More

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  • Due to the Risk of Fires, Some Towns are Turing to Drones Rather than Fireworks

    With the 4th of July only days away, communities are gearing up for celebrations to honor our nation’s 243rd birthday.  Municipalities plan parades, block parties, fairs, and of course firework displays to close out the evening.  However, there are some areas that have had to forgo the crowd favorite fireworks out of environmental safety concerns. ... Read More

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  • Using Drones in New Zealand to Control the Possum Population

    New Zealand is a small island off the eastern coast of Australia.  Because of it’s remote location it was not settled by humans until exploring Polynesians discovered it between 1250-1300AD.  This led to the island being able to develop a wide range of plant and animal life.  Today, New Zealand hosts a population of 4.7... Read More

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  • FDNY Using Drones to Fight Fires

    New York’s Bravest, the FDNY, is the second largest fire department in the world and the largest in the United States.  The New York Fire Department employs more than 11,000 uniformed firefighters.  These officers serve and protect over 8.5 million people in a 302 square mile area daily.  Because of the dense population and building... Read More

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  • Drones Cause Havoc At Changi Airport in Singapore

    Once again drones have caused havoc at an international airport.  Drones interfering with airports first came into the spotlight when flights were grounded at Heathrow, UK, Europe’s busiest airport and Gatwick, the second busiest airport.  It happened again at Newark Airport and then shortly after at the Dubai International Airport.  This past week drones interfered... Read More

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  • During the Next Few Years, the Drone Industry Will Add Over 400,000 New Jobs

    One of the fastest growing industries world wide is the drone industry.  Between commercial, military, and hobbyist drones, the need for drone engineers, operators, and entrepreneurs are endless.  It is estimated that because of the demands on the drone industry, nearly 400,000 new drone based employment opportunities will need to be filled in the next... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Help Fight Forest Fires

    As we near the summer solstice on June 21st, many areas of the world are starting to prepare for one of the biggest dangers that face their communities this time of year.  Due to extreme heat and drought summer time is peak season for wild fires.  In 2018 the state of California alone suffered a... Read More

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  • Iran Shoots Down American Military Drone, RQ-4 Global Hawk

    In 1917, the first military pilot-less aircraft, the Ruston Proctor Aerial Targe, was launched as a means of flying bombs into enemy spaces.  Though it was mostly unsuccessful, it paved the way for the military drones we have today.  In a post 9/11 world the use of drones for military operations have become one of... Read More

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