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  • Rwanda’s Flexible Drone Regulations

    Local laws are very strict about how you can fly drones. In most cases, they have to be flown within the operator’s line of sight and operators are only allowed to oversee one drone at a time. There is no arguing that safety is important, but these extreme regulations are sometimes limiting how much drones... Read More

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  • Pollinating Trees With Drones

    A startup called Dropcopter from Syracues, NY has designed a drone specifically for pollinating fruit trees. The drone has six motors and it has been used to successfully pollinate trees on cherry, almond and apple orchards in multiple states. The startup aims to be more effective than bees. Using unguided insects to pollinate orchards comes... Read More

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  • Two Passenger Drone Recently Revealed at Auto Show in Detroit

     Earlier this week, the Workhorse Group, a Columbus, Ohio based startup showed off a drone-like craft with a 2 person passenger compartment at the North American Auto Show in the city of Detroit, MI. Named the SureFly Octocopter, the craft is largely computer controlled, unlike a helicopter which requires a highly trained pilot to... Read More

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  • Iowa Researchers Use Drones to Detect Harmful Algae Blooms in Water

    A team of researchers from the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa plans on deploying drones to monitor water quality and safety more effectively. This new remote-sensing drone is specifically aimed at improving the detection of harmful algae blooms (when algae grows naturally fast) in Iowa’s water. The blooms have been found to... Read More

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  • Drone Technology is the Future of Space Exploration on Saturn’s Moon Titan

    According to sources, NASA is planning a mission to Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Believe it or not, a drone will be utilized in taking part of this historical space exploration mission. The drone, which has been given the name Dragonfly, has been developed by some of the world’s best engineers. According to experts, Dragonfly promises... Read More

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  • Neighbors Complaining About the Sound of Drones

    Drone deliveries may become a convenient way to get packages across town. They may be used to fly directly to the target’s location without having to deal with traffic and the pilot doesn’t even have to leave home. Many deliveries in the future will be made using drones but the technology is experiencing a new... Read More

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  • Nottingham Researchers Show How Drones Can Help Monitor Climate Change

    A new study aimed at assessing the impact of woody vines, called lianas, on the global carbon balance has been published earlier this month in the “Journal of Applied Ecology”. The article helps to shed some new light on climate change. Using a lightweight, commercially available drone and camera, a team of researchers at the... Read More

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  • Delivering Transplanted Organs With the Help of Drones

    A surgeon in Baltimore is suggesting that drones should be used to deliver organs to hospitals in different states and cities, when an organ transplant is necessary.  Research into delivering organs with the use of drones has been conducted at the University of Marlyand Medical Center for over three years and the program is led... Read More

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  • Hole Digging Drone Designed to Probe Hostile Environments

     The number of services that drones can provide is increasing at an exciting rate. A new drone developed by NIMBUS, a research group from the University of Nebraska, has been designed to be launched from a plane, fly to a particular location, drop down to the ground, dig a hole, leave sensors in the... Read More

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  • Drone Parachute Deployment System Passes Safety Certification

     Allowing a drone to fly over crowded areas allows for interesting applications such as crowd safety monitoring and news gathering. The problem, is that if the drone loses power or control, it can become a serious safety hazard to the people it’s flying over. Strict regulations imposed by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)... Read More

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