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  • Percepto’s New FAA Waiver is a Major Breakthrough for the Drone Industry

    Pressure keeps growing on the FAA to grant waivers to UAV firms to allow them to fly over long distances to conduct their operations on a Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) basis.  Several small package retail delivery drone companies, including Zipline and Wing, secured BVLOS waivers last summer; so did Ameriflight, for its partnership... Read More

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  • Alabama Drone Conference Highlights Role of UAVs in Precision Agriculture

    A drone conference in Alabama scheduled for February 26-29 will highlight the role of UAVs in “precision” agriculture – a rapidly growing field that features drones equipped with advanced sensors that spray seeds, fertilizer and pesticides to targeted areas of a farm to maximize crop yields. The organizer of the conference, Steve Li, is a... Read More

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  • Drones and Smart Mailboxes: Wave of the Future?

     Most drone delivery companies deliver their cargo to customers point-to-point, in one of two ways.  Zipline, for example, flies its drones over recipient properties and time releases their cargo via parachute to a nearby landing zone.  The forward-flying aircraft never stops flying, saving time and reducing the delivery cost.  Other companies like Wing stop... Read More

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  • The Advantages and Rules Pertaining to Drone Night Flying

    It seems like a simple issue, and at one level, it is.  The short answer is:  Yes, drones, commercial and recreational, are legally permitted to operate at night.  It used to be more complicated.  That’s because prior to April 2021, drone fliers needed a special waiver from the FAA to fly at night, legally.  “Night”... Read More

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  • Canada Authorizes Firefighting Drone Fleets

    Firefighting agencies are increasingly turning to drones to help them extinguish fires that can easily overwhelm their ground-based crews.  Even fixed wing aircraft and helicopters can only fly so close to a raging blaze without posing a safety risk to their pilots and crews.  And manned vehicles can only fly during daylight hours, while drones... Read More

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  • Drones Light Up More New Year’s Eve Celebrations

     On New Year’s Eve, more U.S. cities chose drone light shows as an alternative to traditional fireworks displays – or in some cases, as a complement. Hybrid shows –which are a growing trend – occurred in numerous locales, including Baltimore, MD and New Bedford, Massachusetts.  Baltimore contracted with a local company, Images Engineering, to... Read More

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  • DJI in 2024:  Ringing Out the Old, Ringing in the New

    Tech companies have a habit of establishing life cycles for their products, even if they’re still selling well.  It’s a normal practice, so it should come as no surprise that DJI, the world’s leading drone manufacturer and distributor, is phasing out some of its once hot-selling models.  What are they? Topping the list are several... Read More

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  • New Report Identifies 7 Key Drone Industry Trends for 2024

    Commercial UAV News has just released its end-of-the year report identifying 7 key trends that will shape the drone industry in 2024.  Sales growth and the opening of new drone markets, especially in Asia, are only the most obvious signs of the industry’s ongoing success, the report notes.  Fueling this success, which will accelerate rapidly... Read More

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  • Overair Could Be the Drone Taxi Company to Watch

    Joby, Archer, Volocopter and EHang are all racing ahead to become the first drone companies to commercialize their air taxis.  But first to market doesn’t guarantee sales endurance.  The first drone passenger vehicles will have to prove their airworthiness in a few trial roles – as elite passenger shuttles and troop transports, for example –... Read More

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