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  • Police Officers Dealing With Rogue Drones at the US-Mexico Border

    The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department of Homeland Security recently identified drones, as one of the leading threats to national security. Drones are rated as a severe threat in crimes like critical infrastructure hacks, terrorism, and more. Even though drones are perceived by most people as harmless toys, law enforcement agencies are increasingly... Read More

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  • Using Your Brain’s Waves to Fly Drones

    Researchers from all around the world are working to come up with the next best thing for the drone industry. One example that has surfaced is from a group of students who figured out a way to control drones using their mind. While the concept of flying a drone using only brain patterns is not... Read More

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  • Drone Pilots Violating FAA Restrictions While Trying to Capture Hot Air Balloon Photos

    The City of Albuquerque will host to The 47th Annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. This annual event attracts over 100,000 hot air balloon enthusiasts from all over the world to witness over 500 balloons take flight. An event of such a magnitude has numerous logistical and operational challenges. During the fiesta’s 46 year history, some... Read More

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  • NYPD Watching for Drones Flying Over the UN General Assembly

    The annual UN General Assembly is always one of the toughest times for the police department in the host city. They have the job to protect some of the world’s most powerful people. This year’s General Assembly will be held in New York, and the NYPD has not found the job any easier. In addition... Read More

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  • Drones to Assist in Building Emergency Mud Shelters

    It comes as no surprise that many engineering and manufacturing companies are taking advantage of robotics. Possibly one of the largest professional fields to begin taking advantage of advanced robotic technology lately would be that of architecture. Architects all over the world are now utilizing robotics in their projects on a regular basis. Some examples... Read More

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  • Tests Reveal That Even Small Drones Can Damage Planes

    A recent test performed at the Impact Physics Lab at the University of Dayton Research Institute in Florida showed that even small drones, such as the popular DJI Phantom can severely damage an aircraft in flight. The test was designed to mimic what would happen if a drone collided with an airplane flying at 238... Read More

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  • Drone Pilots Prepare for Hurricane Florence

    As Hurricane Florence intensified, more than one million people were forced to evacuate from the coastal areas to get to safety. However, there were still residents determined to ride out the incoming storm in their homes. As a result, drone pilots began watching forecasts ready to help. Drones have become a major part of disaster... Read More

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  • The Future of Anti-Drone Technology

    As drones keep getting more advanced, there is a need for law enforcement agencies to come up with new ways to stop enemy drones. Drones are becoming a common feature in war-zones allowing both sides to survey enemy territories, pinpoint enemy locations, and even drop bombs. A lot of damage can be caused by a... Read More

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  • Police Consider Using Drones to Monitor Protestors of the Badger Cull

    In the South-west of England, there is an ongoing badger cull exercise. The badgers have been linked with increasing cases of tuberculosis in cattle. Authorities maintaining that reducing the badger numbers in certain regions will also reduce the tuberculosis prevalence in cows.  Local Police have been deployed to oversee the exercise, something that has put... Read More

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  • Farmers Using Drones to Monitor Their Crops

    Agriculture has always been on the cutting edge of new advancements in technology. Now, some farmers are getting aerial views of their crops in order to monitor their health. To do this, farmers are turning to drone technology allowing them to assess their farmlands fast, effectively and efficiently. Corey Oeschger, a farmer who owns 100... Read More

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