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  • Drones to Fly Over Crowds in New Australia Monitoring for Terrorism

    Victoria, Australia is in the process of creating a new counter terrorism program that will take advantage of drone technology. The drones will be used to fly over crowds during major events such as football matches, concerts, and other public events. Ross Guenther, the head of Victoria Police counter terrorism unit, warns that the threat... Read More

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  • Local Authorities Working On New Ways to Regulate Drones

    It won’t be long before local authorities create a specific traffic department to regulate civilian drones. A few years ago, drones were simply to expensive to be used by much of anyone outside of military and government professions. But as drone prices fell, drone applications have greatly increased. Now people are using drones for a... Read More

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  • Counter Drone Technology Displayed at the 2018 GSX Convention

    Ever since drones were invented, criminals have come up with new ways to use drones to their advantage. Drones are great for criminals because they can be used to deliver contraband or spy on people and areas undetected. As such, many security companies are working on anti-drone technologies to cater to the growing demand. During... Read More

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  • Federal Government to Pass Bill Allowing Them to Shoot Down Drones

    The federal government will soon be able to shoot down any privately owned drones in the event that the FAA budget bill becomes law, according to NBC news. The new law would give the FBI and Department of Homeland Security the power to track and shoot down commercial drones that are considered threats. If the... Read More

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  • Scientists Using Drones to Monitor Endangered Orca Whales

    Aerial photos taken by drones are helping scientists track the health and movement of Southern Resident orcas. The research program began back in 2008. This year has been the most successful, all thanks to drones. Being the ninth year of the research, a record number of photographs have been taken. The partnership between SR3 Sealife... Read More

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  • Marines Testing New Technology to Hide From Enemy Drones

    In just a short period of time since they were invented, drones have taken many industries by storm. Providing businesses with an easy way to do many tasks that were previously challenging, time consuming and expensive can now be done at a fraction of the cost. However, as much as we have grown to love... Read More

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  • Researchers Developing Insect Inspired System for Flying Drones

    Flying insects are quite good at maneuvering through tight spots, but they often run into obstacles especially windows. As unique as insects are, there is hardly any space on their bodies to mount fancy computing and sensing systems to help improve their flight. A group of scientists have researched the flying habits of insects particularly... Read More

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  • Drones to Track the Largest Dam Removal on the East Coast

    In the past, taking down a dam has been a tough jobs for engineers, contractors and demolition experts. One wrong move and the damage caused by the water and can be deadly. A team of experts from Maryland have recently figured out a way to make this entire process easier by using drones.  A large... Read More

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  • California Passes a Law to Stop Drone Flights Over Prisons

    Recently, prisons have faced a huge security threat in the form of drones that are being used by criminals to deliver drugs, phones, dangerous weapons, and other contraband to prisons.  Consequently, the state of California recently passed a law that outlaws any drone flights above correctional facilities. Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill on Monday... Read More

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  • For the First Time Ever, Multiple Drones Operated by Single Operator

    In the past few years, there have been numerous reports that drones are being developed for the delivery of food and other products such as medical supplies. This is no longer a far fetched idea. A drone company in Reno has taken the idea a step further and designed a system that allows a single... Read More

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