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  • Utility Company Uses Drones for Power Line Inspections

     Eversource is a utility company that provides electricity to over 1.2 million customers in about 149 cities and towns in Northwest America. They have recently begun using drones to inspect their electric lines in Connecticut. The company recently announced that it will start using drones for inspections in an effort to cut costs and... Read More

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  • Lifeguards are Now Using Drones to Help Rescue Efforts

     A growing number of lifeguard organizations all over the world are turning to drones to help improve and speed up their rescue efforts when swimmers and surfers get into trouble. Germany, Australia, and Iran are three good examples of countries that are currently using rescue drones to aide in their rescue operations. The drones... Read More

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  • Companies Using Drones In Their Warehouses For Inventory Control & More

    Businesses have started using drones in their warehouses. These drones have been designed to fly indoors to assist in inventory management. The project has been rolled out by drone company PINC which has worked with companies such as Walmart to create what they refer to as the new experience and core intellectual property in inventory... Read More

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  • The U.S. Army Plans to Destroy Drones Midair Using High Powered Microwave Systems

    In a public press conference held on August 7th, 2018, the U.S. Army announced that plans to purchase a high-powered microwave system to be used to destroy drones. Lockheed Martin was the company awarded the contract to supply the microwave system which will be mounted on planes. The system is able to destroy both fixed... Read More

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  • Drones Used by Police at Crash Scene Investigations

    When police investigators in Morton, Illinois tried to find out what caused a multi vehicle accident that killed an elderly woman in July, they turned to drones for help. Like many police agencies throughout the US, the sheriff’s department in Tazewell County used a drone to take aerial photographs of the scene of the accident... Read More

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  • Drones to Be Used For Inspecting Skyscrapers

    The invention of drone technology, including high quality cameras has largely replaced helicopter photography and aerial inspections. Small, fast, and cheap drones are able to take better quality footage while costing a fraction of what they used to cost when helicopters and airplanes were involved. The drone industry is expanding at an incredible rate both... Read More

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  • Drones Used to Trap Wild Pigs in Oklahoma

    One of the main problems that farmers in Oklahoma have been facing for many years is a $2 billion problem caused by wild pigs. Luckily, they have discovered a way to stop this from happening with the use of drones. Members of the Choctaw Nation in central Oklahoma are using drones as part of an... Read More

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  • Drones to be Used to Eradicate Coca Plants in Colombia

    According to the US assessment in June 2018, coca cultivation increased in Colombia the past year. In 2017, Coca cultivation expanded for a fourth consecutive year in Colombia, this time by 11 percent. This expansion has outpaced the plans of the outgoing administration to eliminate over 100,000 hectares of coca plants. Half by forced eradication,... Read More

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  • Drone Almost Crashes Into Helicopter

     A terrifying video was recently posted on YouTube of a drone almost crashing into a helicopter in Florida. The footage starts off innocently enough, but suddenly out of nowhere, a helicopter passes underneath the drone nearly colliding with it. The helicopter crew was lucky that they didn’t crash into the drone as the results... Read More

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  • Food Deliveries By Drones

    Food delivery is a huge business in the United States, with a market of approximately $13 billion a year. With companies like Deliveroo and Uber Eats, the industry has improved a lot in recent years, however, innovation in these industries hasn’t really changed. It’s basically the same thing it’s always been but with an improved... Read More

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