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  • Kenyan Government Legalizes Drones For Personal and Commercial Use

    Kenya is one of the first African countries to make flying a drone legal. So long as operators fly within the rules set by the Kenyan Civil Aviation Authorities (KCAA) the Kenyan government says they’ll have no problem.  The government will start issuing licenses for drones flown by organizations and private citizens. This exercise will... Read More

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  • Latest Amazon Drone Patent Includes Gesture Recognition

    Amazon’s most current technology investment will enable drones to read hand gestures.  Amazon.com was recently granted a new patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to develop a drone which can be used for delivery and also respond to human gestures. Amazon has shown its desire to produce a fleet of drones that... Read More

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  • Walmart Files Patent For Shopping Cart Drones

    Walmart recently filed several patents that mentioned drones. One of the patents comprises of technologies that could change the way people shop at Walmart. For example, a customer would be assisted by a personal shopping drone.  The patent will streamline customers in-store experience by using devices with sensors to create smart shopping carts that can... Read More

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  • Canadian Paramedics Use Drones For Emergency Response

     In Renfrew County, Ontario, some paramedics are doubling as drone pilots. They fly drones to help with emergency response calls from heart attack victims to auto accidents; particularly in remote locations.  Brian Leahey, a pilot and the deputy chief of the paramedic service explained that drones have expanded their reach into areas they could... Read More

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  • The Age of Drones is Quickly Approaching

    Despite significant regulatory hurdles in America, drone startups are rapidly increasing. The U.K. is surprisingly ahead of the United States in the regulation and deployment of drones.  Recently, Royal Mail announced its intention to join the drone bandwagon. The postal service provider wants to use drones to deliver mail to rural areas. This move will... Read More

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  • Latvia Tech Company Uses Drones to Lower The Cost of Clean Energy

    Latvia born startup, Aerones has created a drone that can help lower the cost of clean energy. It can help de-ice wind turbines and remove bugs from the blades.  The square-shaped device has several propellers including a nozzle to spray liquid on the surface of wind turbines while making a fast zig-zag motion. Earlier this... Read More

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  • Remote Identification for Drones Among Proposed Initiatives by FAA

    Officials from the FAA are pushing for stricter legislation to regulate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s). Among the regulations being looked at include a national database for electronic identification of all drones. Targeting the Careless and the Criminal The new security initiatives are meant to bring order into the increasingly popular drone industry, especially the consumer... Read More

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  • Walmart Files Patent For Pollination With Robotic Drone Bees

    Bees can be scary and sometimes also annoying, but they are very useful for the survival of the human species.  Over 75% of the world’s food production is dependent on bees. Without bees and their pollinators, food supply will be drastically reduced.  Walmart, the world’s largest retailer has developed drones that act as pollinators. These... Read More

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  • Sailboat Drones Could Be Used To Monitor Climate Change

     For nearly eight months, two 7-meter long “drone” sailboats have cruised the Pacific ocean at half speed probing the ocean’s surfaces with sensors. The sailboats are semi-autonomous and were created by a company called Saildrone.  Saildrone is a California tech startup company. The company worked together with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)... Read More

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  • Drones Help Bring Back Electricity in Puerto Rico

    After hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico last fall, hundreds of thousands of Americans have suffered through power outages. The hurricane was fierce and battered the island with 155 mph wind blasts.  The good news is that commercial drones have come to the rescue. As the country struggles to come back online, drones are now being... Read More

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