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  • US Investing in Laser-Bearing Drone to Protect Against Missile Attacks

    Drones will dominate the future of warfare, and the US recognizes their potential. This is the reason it has invested so heavily in the development of advanced drones that are years ahead of their rival nations. The latest in this line are drones that are fitted with lasers which can obliterate enemy missiles. The Changing... Read More

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  • China Puts on a Show With a Swarm of Drones

     In Guangzhou last December, China set a world record when it mobilized a large swarm of drones. Never before has any country or organization achieved this feat. They launched more than 1,100 miniature drones and used them to carry out several small tasks to show a collective orchestration of the drones.  There has been... Read More

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  • Don’t Worry Dolphins, Drones are Here to Save You

    Drones have been used to save a number of species from extinction and the Amazon dolphins are the latest animals on the list. The number of dolphins on the Amazon River has been on a steady decline and scientists and conservationists have been unable to do anything about it, until the introduction of drones. Through... Read More

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  • Ehang’s Passenger Carrying Drone is Amazing

     When Ehang declared to the world that it would build the world’s first autonomous passenger-carrying quadcopter, the disbelief was clearly visible. How could such a “self-flying” quadcopter work? Wouldn’t this endanger human lives? These were just a few of the questions that many people in the tech community asked. However, two years later, Ehang... Read More

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  • Drones are Monitoring and Harvesting Crops in England

    The application of drones in agriculture has been immense and well documented. From the sprawling farms of Texas to the arid areas of Nigeria, drones are transforming agriculture. However, England has taken it to the next level with a hectare of land which is being operated fully by automated machines, from the land preparation to... Read More

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  • Colorado Construction Sites Adopt The Use of Drones

    Using drones in construction sites across Colorado as well as all over the country is now a more common practice. As businesses adapt to evolving FAA regulations, people are starting to open up to the idea of drones and are more willing to learn how to use them effectively.  UAVs are no longer a novel... Read More

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  • Australian Firm Releases New Technology To Bring Down Drones

     As the number of consumers who purchase drones increases, we are bound to see some drone operators who violate no fly zones whether they do so on purpose or by mistake.  There are certain areas that are restricted, in which drones are not allowed to fly. Such places include airports, stadiums, and government facilities.... Read More

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  • South Korea to Use Drones For Security During the Winter Olympics

    South Korea will be turning to drones for extra security during the Winter Olympics that it will host. The drones that will be used are capable of firing Kevlar nets and will be used as a security precaution because of the recent tension between North Korea and South Korea. The host city, Pyeongchang is less... Read More

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  • Dedrone Provides Security From Drone Attacks

     The New York Mets are working hard to secure the airspace around Citi Field stadium. They hired a company called Dedrone whose job is to protect the airspace from malicious drones.  Citi Field is only a mile away from LaGuardia airport in New York, and like many other stadiums, has a no-fly zone policy.... Read More

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  • North Carolina to Begin Using Drones To Deliver Medical Supplies

    After being widely used in European and African countries to deliver medical supplies, drones might begin to do the same in North Carolina. This is subject to the approval of a bid by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to be part of a federal test program. Charity Begins at Home NCDOT is working... Read More

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