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  • Sea Diving Drones to Explore Beneath Antarctic Ice

    The weather-smoothed, bright surfaces of Antarctica’s ice might look innocent and inviting, but deep under that lies the darkest landscape you will find anywhere on earth. Most of these places have never been explored or even visited by people before. The melting water underneath Antarctica has carved out amazing caves and inverted canyons that reach... Read More

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  • Drones Are The Future of Precision Farming Says Experts

    Farmers who are looking for better ways to monitor their crops or survey several acres of land will need to consider the possibilities of using agricultural drones.  Drones are getting more popular with each passing day and many businesses are starting to reap the benefits of these robotic devices. In construction, architecture, engineering, transportation and... Read More

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  • GoPro Cuts Nearly 300 Jobs as it Quits the Drone Business

    GoPro is quitting the drone business and will be slashing about 20% of its staff. The founders are reportedly exploring a possible sale of its business after low demand for its products. The company had about 1,254 employees as of Sept 30, but it’s now cutting that down to less than 1,000. Nicholas Woodman, the... Read More

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  • New Jersey Lawmakers Vote to Ban Intoxicated Drone Operators

    Have you ever wondered about the different types of drone owners flying drones around your neighborhood? While many follow the rules and laws, unfortunately there’s always a group of people who don’t.  It’s normally this group of people who don’t care, that give the rest of the law abiding drone operators a bad name.  In... Read More

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  • Over One Million Drones Have Been Registered In the United States

    The number of drones registered has now hit a new milestone, according to a new report released recently. The Federal Aviation Administration has now registered over one million drones. The registration process has been running for two years, a period that has witnessed tremendous growth. The report that was released during the Annual Consumer Electronics... Read More

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  • Intel Sets New Guinness World Record by Flying 100 Drones Indoors

    Intel is quite fond of showing off its technology and this time, it even set a new Guinness World Record in the process. The Silicon Valley technology giant has been involved in a race with the fellow global competitor, Qualcomm over the development of technology that allows drones to be operated indoors. 100 Drones at... Read More

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  • Drones are a Growing Threat in the US, Security Experts Warn

    Col. Patrick Duggan is the commander of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, Virginia. His career has taken him to Afghanistan and Iraq, and now he is a base commander in Washington and is worried about illegal drone flights over the capital. His fears are not unfounded. Duggan believes that drones are a growing security... Read More

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  • Israeli Researchers Reveal a New Technique That Can Detect Spy Drones

    Drones equipped with cameras are getting cheaper and cheaper by the day. As drone ownership increases, so do the risks of unauthorized surveillance. Now, inventors of anti-drone technologies are creating methods to protect us from surveillance drones.  Recently, a group of Israeli researchers at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva created a new method that... Read More

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  • The Drone Delivery Dream is Now Much More Real Than you Thought

    When Amazon first tossed the idea of door-to-door delivery using drones in 2013, many people found it laughable. Some actually thought it was a publicity stunt to boost their holiday sales. But while other people were viewing this idea a farfetched pipe dream, a group of some potential investors were taking it very seriously. Engineers... Read More

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  • NASA to Send Robotic Drone to Saturn by 2020

    In 2005, mankind got a look at the surface of an alien world. A probe known as Huygens was dropped off in the orbit of Saturn right on the surface of Titan – which is the planets biggest moon. The probe was dropped off by a spacecraft and just over an hour after it landed,... Read More

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