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  • Bees, Flies and Beetles: “Bug-Bots” Are Coming to Drone World

    Miniaturization is the wave of the future, affecting every industry imaginable.  Even the diminutive world of drones is about to get smaller. UAVs as tiny as insects are now being developed for a wide range of uses, from military spying to farm management and construction inspections.  “Bug-bots” modeled on bees and flies can be powered... Read More

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  • Autonomous Soaring Can Boost the Range and Endurance of Small Drones, Researchers Find

    Many bird species in the natural world are capable of soaring within thermal updrafts for extended periods without flapping their wings.   Their ability to conserve energy and fly continuously over long distances – sometimes, even while sleeping – has fascinated drone designers looking for a way to extend the flight range of drones that must... Read More

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  • Skydio Seeks to Enhance Law Enforcement’s Ability to Track and Capture Criminal Suspects

    Law enforcement agencies have begun taking to drones with a vengeance:  Some 1,500 or more nationwide now deploy drones in a variety of critical roles, including search-and-rescue missions and crime scene analysis.  But perhaps no role keeps the public safer than catching criminal suspects, sometimes in the act, but just as often, after they flee... Read More

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  • Scientists Turn to Drones for Help Finding Meteorites

    Comets and meteors are easy to spot at night as they streak across the sky.  But finding them after they crash is a persistent challenge.  Scientific field teams often spend days on end searching for the remains of meteorites, with only vague estimates of their likely landing sites.  Sometimes they come up empty. Now, they’re... Read More

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  • Small Town USA is a Hotbed of Drone Innovation

    When it comes to acquiring drones, it’s rarely a state’s big cities that establish themselves as pioneers.  One reason?  The presence of nearby airports.  Federal regulations prohibit drone flying within 5 miles of a major airport and many big city officials are leery of creating havoc for air traffic controllers by authorizing the use of... Read More

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  • Drones and COVID-19:  A Crucible Experience

    America’s burgeoning drone industry got its start more than a decade ago and has been growing steadily ever since.  But the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 proved to be a major catalyst to its development.  In March of that year, governments and private companies alike began turning to drones to deliver vaccines, masks... Read More

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  • Study Finds Persistent Barriers to the Adoption of Drone Technology in Indian Agriculture

    Drones can play a powerful role in modern agriculture by adding cost-saving precision to the aerial distribution of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides.  Rather than plant or spray an entire field, sensor-equipped drones can identify the areas most in need of support and dispense farm inputs accordingly.  And compared to difficult-to-recruit farm workers and gas powered... Read More

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  • Who Controls Drone Airspace? With Retail Deliveries Poised for Take-Off, Further Regulatory Review May Be Needed

    Can drones fly freely above private property, with the regulatory permission of the FAA, or do landowners have the right to limit drone access under state and local trespass law? It’s a thorny legal issue that has never quite been resolved.  In practice, under an informal agreement that’s come to be known as “cooperative federalism,”... Read More

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  • Wing Seeks FAA Authority to Begin Scalable Store Deliveries in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Area

    Scalability remains the Holy Grail of retail drone delivery companies.  Making “last mile” deliveries from a single store outlet to a nearby individual customer, then returning to the drone’s original launch site is a useful demonstration project.  It proves that aerial drone deliveries can be made safely – and on time.  But unless the company... Read More

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  • Oregon’s Federal Drone Testing Site is Thriving behind the Scenes

    Officially, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) supports seven drone testing sites nationwide.  The sites are located in New York, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Texas,Virginia and Alaska. But there’s actually an eighth, albeit unofficial, site – tucked away in eastern Oregon. And it’s been growing fast, even faster than some of its official counterparts. All... Read More

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