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  • Montana’s Top-Tier Drone Industry Continues to Surge

    Montana has consistently ranked in the top 10 of US states that are actively supporting the growth of the nation’s drone industry.  The reasons are not hard to find.  For one thing, the state’s size and terrain are highly favorable to drone flying.  Montana is the nation’s fourth largest state – after Texas, Alaska and... Read More

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  • Altitude Angel: A Pioneer in UTM Management Services Worldwide

    If you’re planning to fly your drone near a dangerous or restricted area, or in a crowded airspace, it helps to have an angel watching over you. UK-based Altitude Angel is the world’s premier technology company offering a seamless integration of manned and unmanned aircraft in the same airspace.  Best known recently for its role... Read More

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  • Floating Drones Help NOAA Forecast Hurricanes

    Scientists seeking to discover the atmospheric effects of hurricanes have a new tool at their disposal:  Saildrone.  The 23-foot long aquatic vessel literally sails right into the maelstrom of a cyclone to collect data on the interface between the storm’s winds and the water’s surface.  That’s been a missing link in hurricane observation for decades,... Read More

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  • Local Wisconsin Police Department Puts Its Crime-Fighting Drone to Good Use

    Two teenagers in Fitchburg, Wisconsin went on a rock-throwing spree from a bridge overlooking Highway 114 last month, causing thousands of dollars in damage to cars – and minor injuries to their drivers – passing below.  And local police seemed powerless to stop their escalating rampage. Until they sent in a drone. The drone, flying... Read More

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  • Code 313 Teaches Underserved Detroit Kids How to Fly Drones

    Code 313 is a Detroit, MI-based nonprofit organization that provides hands-on educational training to disadvantaged youth in the use of cutting-edge technology.  Most of the time Code 313 helps kids purchase inexpensive computers, then helps them to become computer-literate.  But this past Labor Day, the group took on another IT training challenge:  drones. Working in... Read More

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  • Tethering Drones to Mobile Power Sources To Extend Their Range and Capabilities

     Drones have many advantages over conventional gas-powered aircraft and road vehicles when it comes to speed, efficiency and sustainability.  But when it comes to continuous operation, drones often fall short due to their reliance on batteries, which typically must be recharged after just 20-30 minutes. Some drones include an extra battery back or can... Read More

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  • Conservation Groups Turn to DJI Drones to Expand Their Global Protection Mission

    Wilderness International (WI) has a unique global mission:  Raising funds to purchase pieces of vulnerable ecosystems and placing them under its own permanent protection.  The 15-year old nonprofit – with bases in Germany, Peru and Canada – has pursued its mission with the help of unmanned aircraft for nearly a decade.  This year, though, the... Read More

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  • What is the Hold Up For Drone Deliveries?

    Deep cuts in the workforce levels at Walmart and Amazon have industry observers worried about the future of the two companies’ massive investments in drones as a sustainable alternative to road-based vehicle deliveries. The trouble began last January when Amazon announced plans for a major reduction in its headcount, the largest in the company’s history. ... Read More

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  • How Minnesota Became a Leader in Drone Commerce

    Minnesota is best known to outsiders for its dairy farms and river and lake canoeing. But to its natives, the North Star state has always been something of a   technology leader, too.  Decades ago, tech innovators in northwestern Minnesota gave birth to the American snowmobile industry.  And now, many years later, a new generation of... Read More

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