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  • More Than 200,000 DJI Agricultural Drones Are Currently in Global Service

    Aerial surveillance and mapping drones have numerous commercial and public safety applications, but their expanding role in agriculture easily ranks as one of their most important.  That’s because increasing farm yields has become critical for feeding the world’s ever-expanding population and for reducing global poverty at a time when extreme weather patterns are making sustainable... Read More

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  • Not All UAVs Are Quadcopters:  Meet the Cessna Caravan Cargo Drone

     In September 2020, FedEx tested a unique air cargo carrier – a single-propeller Cessna 127 Skyhawk capable of flying completely autonomously from gate to gate.   Though technically a 4-passenger fixed wing aircraft, just like others FedEx deploys to make deliveries, this one didn’t have a pilot.  Thanks to Reliable Robotics, a technology firm founded... Read More

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  • Anxious to Expand Its Aerial Deliveries, Walmart is Diversifying Its Drone Partners

    “Diversification” is a watchword of the nation’s burgeoning drone industry.  As more companies join the competition, many are seeking to find a market advantage by exploring a distinct niche – construction versus agriculture, for example. But diversification is also appearing in the choice of vendors. Rather than partner with one supplier for all of its... Read More

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  • Phoenix Unmanned Receives a New FAA Waiver for BVLOS Flights

    Four top drone aviation firms sought waivers or exemptions from the FAA this summer to support Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations.  So far, only one of those companies has received the coveted FAA go-ahead. Who are the four companies? One is South San Francisco-based Zipline, which is well-known for its successful medical supply... Read More

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  • Georgia Looks to Drones to Fuel Economy, Fight Crime

    The Deep South isn’t known for being especially friendly to the drone industry. In fact, South Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Alabama continue to rank at the very bottom of US states currently passing laws and regulations to support the burgeoning drone industry.   But one Deep South state – Georgia – has consistently stood apart from... Read More

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  • Alaska May Be Emerging as a Drone Industry Leader

    The state of Alaska seems like an unlikely place for a thriving drone industry.  For one thing, Alaska is the windiest state in the nation, not the most favorable weather condition for drone flying.  Furthermore, the state’s severe cold can make it difficult for battery-powered drone engines to function consistently.  Not surprisingly, the Wolverine State... Read More

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  • China-Based DJI Joins the Retail Drone Delivery Market

    China-based DJI already dominates 70% of the global market for the production and sale of unmanned vehicles for application to a wide range of commercial industries – from construction to fire-fighting. The company is also a pioneer in the use of drones for space exploration and military warfare – with few rivals in these sectors,... Read More

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  • Michigan’s Long-Delayed Drone Business Park Is Finally Coming to Fruition

    Michigan is about to establish its first drone business park – one of a handful of US states that are going “all-in” on drones as a fulcrum for economic development. About $7 million in initial funding for the site – officially known as the “Michigan Unmanned Aerial Systems Park”  – was included in the state’s... Read More

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  • Should Drones Enjoy Free Rein to Document Hazardous Waste Incidents?

    Should governments and corporations – and the FAA – allow drones to fly freely over hazardous waste spills to document the full extent of the damage?  Or are there legitimate grounds for limiting public disclosure? That issue is being put to the test in Kansas in the aftermath of the worst oil spills in the... Read More

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  • Arkansas is America’s Most Drone-Friendly State, Survey Finds

    The Virginia-based Mercatus Center just released its fourth annual 50-state drone commerce report.  As with its three previous reports, this year’s edition seeks to rank all 50 states in terms of their readiness to advance the drone industry, as measured by five characteristics: Whether an executive-level task force is in place to promote the drone... Read More

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