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  • China’s EHang Hopes to Fully Commercialize Its Air Taxis By 2024

    China remains far and away the world’s leading drone design and technology provider. A single company, DJI,  currently occupies 75% of the total market in production and sales; no other company is even close.  But when it comes to passenger drones, or air taxis, China’s dominance is far less complete. Nine-year old EHang – based... Read More

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  • Drone Advisory: FAA Deadline for “Remote ID” Compliance is Fast Approaching

    September 16, 2023  is the deadline for nearly all unmanned aerial vehicles flown in the United States to be equipped with “Remote ID,” a digital broadcast signal that allows the FAA and law enforcement authorities to identify the vehicle’s owner and precise location at a distance. Remote ID came about in 2020 in response to... Read More

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  • More Good News for Two of the World’s Leading Air Taxi Companies

    Two of the world’s leading air taxi companies received more good news this week. California-based Archer Aviation just signed an agreement with the US Air Force to deliver the first 6 of its “Midnight” drone taxi vehicles by early 2024.  The deal, which is worth $142 million, includes pilot training, development of maintenance and repair... Read More

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  • Support for the Drone Industry Still Varies Sharply by State and Region

    North and South Dakota share many qualities in common:  their size, climate and topography, population composition and density, and politics are virtually the same.  Two other close neighbors with a common history, North and South Carolina, are also mirror images of each other. So why are their laws and policies toward drones so dissimilar? North... Read More

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  • Drones and Scenic Waterfalls: Too Beautiful to Resist?

    Federal aviation law prohibits drone-flying over most national parks and wildlife refuges.  But there are separate state laws and guidelines that govern drone flights in and over state parks; these may vary considerably, depending on the state, but also on the type of park. States like California are especially concerned to prohibit drone-flying near their... Read More

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  • Drone Journalism and the Law: Is There a Need For More Clarity?

    Should news media organizations be exempt from state laws restricting where drones can fly and for what purpose?  These laws are in place to protect the rights of citizens and businesses from unwarranted intrusions, including illicit spying.  But many observers, citing the First Amendment, say the cause of press freedom is simply too important to... Read More

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  • Drones Have an Impressive Track Record of Success Conducting Search-and-Rescue the World Over

    Finding and saving lost or missing persons, including those displaced by humanitarian disasters, is one of the most poignant and emotionally satisfying missions that drones can perform in our world today.  Equipped with high-powered thermal imaging cameras that can identify humans in the dark based on their heat signature alone, drones have made it possible... Read More

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  • Lilium’s Multi-Purpose Drone Jet Taxi Occupies a Special Niche   

    Will Germany’s Lilium become the first flying car manufacturer to commercialize its prototype?  Its investors surely hope so but company CEO Klaus Roewe has an unusually  realistic and hype-free view of Lilium’s prospects. While other air taxi  companies are promising to have their vehicles in active service by 2028, or even 2025, Roewe believes it... Read More

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  • DJI’s New Air 3 Drone Just Hit the Market: How Does It Stack Up?

     DJI’s latest product offering – the Air 3 – has finally arrived on the consumer market.  Now, industry analysts are trying to decide whether the company’s highly-touted UAV – which, in fact, closely resembles at least two other popular DJI drones– was actually worth the wait. On balance, the answer seems to be yes.... Read More

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  • More BVLOS Waivers Needed to Empower the Nation’s Law Enforcement Agencies

    Twenty-two law enforcement agencies nationwide have obtained waivers from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations (BVLOS) in their local jurisdictions.  BVLOS operations allow departments to dispense with remote piloting and visual observation of their drone flights and to respond to police emergencies and other public disturbances over longer... Read More

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