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  • Are Remote Aerial Package Deliveries Worth All the Hype?

    Read any news story about the drone industry these days and you’ll likely hear about the efforts of mass retailers like Walmart and Amazon to promote remote deliveries of their store goods with drones.  But what you may not hear – amid all the hype and hoopla – is how troubled – indeed, faltering –... Read More

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  • Chile and Brazil Are Fueling Latin America’s Surging Drone Industry

    The Latin American drone market is beginning to surge, and two countries – Chile and Brazil – are leading the way. Chile’s main drone focus is the nation’s prodigious mining industry, one of the largest and most lucrative in the world.  Everything from copper to manganese and bauxite ore is mined in Chile.  The work... Read More

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  • Japan Grants Unconditional BVLOS Waiver to Skydio for Infrastructure Inspections Nationwide

    More drone companies in the United States and abroad are beginning to receive expanded authority to conduct Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations without the need for remote piloting and ongoing flight monitoring.  This is especially true in the area of commercial infrastructure inspections, which are typically conducted in isolated areas, away from human... Read More

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  • Norwegian Drone Industry Poised for Significant Expansion in 2023-2024

    Nearly every drone industry in the world has enjoyed a significant expansion since 2022.  The Scandinavian industry, especially Norway, though still fairly small, is no exception.  Two major drone companies, Nordic Unmanned, founded in 2013  and a three-year old start-up, Aviant, are poised to make major gains in 2023-2024.  Each is expanding into new commercial... Read More

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  • Wing and Manna Battle for Dominance in Ireland’s Drone Market

    Two rapidly growing drone companies – one foreign, one local – are jockeying for position in Ireland’s burgeoning drone industry.  Local yokel Manna, which has made thousands of package deliveries in two Dublin suburbs since its founding in 2019, now hopes to expand its “last mile” operation overseas.  And Wing, a subsidiary of Google’s parent... Read More

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  • Drone Study Finds Sharks Often Approach Humans But Rarely Attack

    It’s taken beachgoers nearly a half century to get over the traumatizing effect of the horror film Jaws and once again experience carefree play at their favorite vacation spots.  Now, thanks to a shocking new drone study of sharks, many people may find themselves retreating to the shore again. The study, conducted over a two-year... Read More

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  • Why Aerial Food Deliveries in China Outpace Their American Counterparts 

    While remote aerial package deliveries in the United States continue to face significant obstacles due to regulatory barriers and weak consumer demand, drone deliveries in China are quite literally “taking off.”  Some observers believe that’s likely due to Beijing’s looser regulatory requirements, especially on drone deliveries in heavily populated areas.  But the real reason may... Read More

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  • Ameriflight and Matternet Partner to Conduct Scalable BVLOS Remote Package Deliveries Nationwide

    “Scalability”– the Holy Grail of drone delivery companies – may finally be in reach for the Mountain View, CA-based drone firm Matternet. Last week, Ameriflight, one of America’s largest cargo delivery companies. received Part 135 approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct its delivery operations nationwide in conjunction with the pioneering drone company... Read More

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  • Drone Upstart Real Time Robotics (RtR) Has Placed Vietnam on the Global Drone Map

    Asia is the world’ fastest growing drone market, occupying a 24% share compared to just 12% a year ago.  China, India, South Korea and Japan are witnessing the fastest growth rates but even smaller countries like Vietnam are experiencing significant spurts, owing to a combination of design technology ingenuity and the sheer determination of its... Read More

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  • Is Federalism Hampering the Growth of the Drone Industry?

    Federal law is quite clear that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  exercises exclusive control over the nation’s airspace, regardless of the state and local jurisdiction involved.  Under the principle of “pre-emption” the FAA’s authority supersedes all other authority – without exception.  In theory, in a legal showdown, federal courts might very well uphold the FAA’s... Read More

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