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  • NYC Mayor Sends In a Drone to Investigate Last Week’s Parking Garage Collapse

    Last week a parking garage collapsed in lower Manhattan, killing one person and injuring several others.  Concerned over inspector safety, New York mayor Eric Adams, who has extolled the virtues of advanced technology, decided to send in a drone – and a robotic dog – to investigate. It’s an increasingly common response in American cities... Read More

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  • Can “Taxidermy Bird Drones” Pass for Real Birds?

    Drones are often considered to be mechanical versions of birds.  In fact, drone designers often study real life birds as they seek to equip their UAVs with a deft maneuverability beyond the capability of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.  But can drones actually pass for birds among real-life avians in their midst? Apparently not.  Despite... Read More

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  • New “Spray Drift” Technology Can Assess Accuracy of Drone Pesticide Use

    The proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has led to important technological and operational advancements in the management of farms.  With drones, what was once tedious and time-consuming field work, often requiring long hours in the hot sun using expensive difficult-to-recruit farm labor, has become a fast, efficient and cost-effective process that makes farming more... Read More

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  • Oregon Driver Stranded in Snow Uses Drone to Rescue Himself

    What would you do if you found yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere in your car on a snowbound road without cell phone service?  Many people, unable to call for help, boldly set out on foot – often wandering around for hours in the cold, only to succumb to the elements. It’s a common... Read More

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  • Walmart’s Aerial Package Deliveries in Virginia Finally Take Flight

    After months of delay, Walmart has finally begun direct aerial package deliveries at three of its stores in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Customers that live within 0.8 of a mile from any one of the three stores can receive store goods weighing less than 10 pounds via drone – for a modest $3.99 service fee.   The... Read More

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  • Is It Immoral to Hunt Animals with Drones?

    Forty-five of the 50 US states prohibit the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the purpose of hunting wildlife, including bears, deer and birds.  The reasons are largely moral and ethical:  Using a drone to scout wild animals is viewed as a violation of the “Fair Chase Rule,” which stipulates that human hunters should... Read More

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  • Phoenix Air Unmanned and the FAA Drone Waiver Process: A Case Study in Success

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) periodically grants special authorizations – dubbed “waivers” – for drone companies to conduct their flights at long distances without the need for remote piloting.  It’s a cumbersome and time-consuming process and requires enormous patience on the part of the applicant.  Those that obtain a waiver  – and only 20% of... Read More

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  • Ireland-Based Manna Is About to Join the US Drone “Club”

    An Ireland-based company is about to join the US drone “club.”  Manna Aero, which has already made tens of thousands of package deliveries in the suburbs surrounding Dublin, is planning on repeating its performance on a smaller scale in Texas.  The company still needs formal regulatory approval from the Federal Aviation Administration, but given its... Read More

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  • Drone Fast Food Deliveries Expected to Surge in 2023

    Mass US retailers like Amazon and Walmart are hoping to reap huge profits from the use of drones for aerial delivery of their store goods.  But the real future of remote package delivery may well lie elsewhere – in fast food. While Amazon and Walmart continue to face obstacles to the expansion of their drone... Read More

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  • Portland Police Turn to Drones to Enhance Public Safety

    Portland just joined the ranks of police agencies nationwide that are turning to drones to enhance their criminal enforcement operations.  Last week, the city council voted to endorse a pilot drone program that will allow the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) to deploy drones to enhance their crime scene analyses and to investigate hazardous waste spills.... Read More

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