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  • Flyby Guys and Seattle LLC Form a Joint Venture for Drone Expansion into the Middle East and Beyond

    Partnerships are increasingly critical to business success in the drone industry these days — and the more strategic and global those partnerships, the more lucrative they tend to be. Take, for example, the recently concluded deal between Finland’s Flyby Guys and Seattle Project Management Services LLC to expand their drone operations via a joint venture,... Read More

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  • Drones Can Capture Rare Moments in the Lives of Fish and Mammals

    Drones have a remarkable ability to capture wildlife “in action.”  Hovering far above mammals and fish, drones can record their movements quietly, without being noticed.  Yet, equipped with their high-powered zoom cameras and thermal imaging, drones can also get a close-up view of aquatic animals, identifying and even tracking individual members of a species when... Read More

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  • Zipline Set to Begin Medical Supply Deliveries in Michigan

    Zipline is on the move again.  Fresh from delivering medical supplies to remote areas in North  Carolina, Arkansas and Utah, the Silicon Valley-based drone company has just inked a partnership with Michigan Medicine (MM), an Ann Arbor-based health system, to deliver specialty pharmaceutical medicines across the Wolverine State. The partnership is somewhat new for Zipline... Read More

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  • Oklahoma Remains America’s Preeminent Drone Industry Hub

    Which of the 50 US  states has the most advanced drone industry?  The answer may surprise you: Oklahoma.  Ranked #3 by the Fairfax, VA-based Mercatus Center in 2021, the Sooner State jumped to #1 year, and continues to receive top billing.  Over the past decade, expanding federal contract and grant  support to Oklahoma’s Choctaw and... Read More

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  • Wing CEO Calls for Expanded FAA Approval of Autonomous Drone Flights

    Pressure is growing on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to loosen its strict regulations governing autonomous drone flights over populated areas. In testimony before Congress last week, Adam Woodworth, CEO of the Alphabet drone subsidiary Wing, urged legislators to compel the FAA to approve more such flights on a routine basis. Woodward noted that the... Read More

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  • Ford Seeks a Patent for a Next-Generation Jump-Starting Drone

    Ford Motor Company hardly seems like the kind of manufacturing firm that would take an interest in unnamed aerial vehicles, or UAVs.  But with drones sweeping across America’s industrial landscape, to say nothing of its airspaces, no company can afford not to consider how its production or sales might be affected by UAVs. Ford, it... Read More

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  • Zipline Is Bringing Its Pioneering Remote Delivery Operations Even Closer to Home

     Zipline, reputedly the world’s leader in remote medical supply delivery by drone,, has added an entirely new wrinkle to its operations:  “instant delivery.” The Silicon Valley-based UAV company has been delivering vaccines, plasma supplies and bandages to villagers in rural Rwanda since 2016 and in Ghana and other African countries since 2020.  It’s about... Read More

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  • Drones Could Speed the Delivery of Life-Saving Medical Devices, Studies Show

    Medical experts say that fewer than 10% of sudden heart attack sufferers survive the event.  The main reason is the lack of prompt medical attention, usually through CPR, aided by the use of a defibrillator.  While a growing number of businesses and schools do make such devices readily available, time is of the essence.  Unless... Read More

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  • Mississippi FEMA Drones to Aid Disaster Relief and Recovery

    When a natural disaster occurs anywhere in the world these days, more than likely a drone is on the scene within minutes to record the event and its aftermath.  Scenes of last week’s devastating tornado in Mississippi are no exception.  Images of collapsed buildings and trapped and rescued residents are circulating across the websites of... Read More

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  • Oregon’s New Aviation Director is a Drone Industry Advocate

    How do you know when a state’s about to be conquered by the drone industry?  When its governor decides to name one of the state’s most forceful and outspoken drone industry advocates as head of its Department of Aviation.  It just happened in Oregon, with the appointment of Kenji Sungahara to a top state post... Read More

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