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  • With the “Hydrus,” Even Drone Hobbyists Can Explore the Ocean’s Depths 

    Are underwater drones really as versatile as their aerial counterparts?  Operating in the world’s oceans and lakes pose special challenges for all remotely piloted vehicles.  At lower depths, navigation by GPS, radar and Wi-Fi is difficult to sustain.  Without a stronger signal, underwater drones frequently lose contact with their surface ship – and sink. Advanced... Read More

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  • Hawaii Looks to Drone-Based “Precision” Agriculture to Rescue Its Dying Fruit Industries

    Drones have become an increasingly important part of “precision agriculture,” a state-of-the-art method for micro-targeting farm inputs – seeds, fertilizer and pesticides – to areas of a farm property where soil fertility promises the highest crop yield. Rather than planting seeds or administering fertilizers and pesticides the length of the farm, precision agriculture helps farmers... Read More

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  • India Wants to Become a Global Drone “Hub” by 2030

    The world’s second most populous nation has ambitions of becoming  a global drone hub by the year 2030, according to a news report circulating on YouTube.  India’s drone market, estimated at just $839 million in value in 2020,  could rise to over $4 billion by 2026, sources interviewed for the report suggest.  The fastest growing... Read More

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  • World’s First Cargo Drone Airliner Could be a “Game-Changer”

     U.S. retailers like Amazon and Walmart have received the lion’s share of media attention when it comes to the topic of remote aerial package delivery via drone.  Both companies have just launched new pilots of their drone delivery systems in various states and cities across the country. Drone providers like Drone Up and Wing... Read More

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  • As UAV’s Fill the Skies, Drone Hunters Are Becoming More Prevalent

    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) display an ever-expanding range of capabilities that can speed the pace of industry and help safeguard government installations.  But as their value increases, so, too, does the likelihood of unlawful surveillance and threats to the privacy and public safety from would-be spies and terrorists.  As a result, more companies are beginning... Read More

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  • Beverly Hills’ New Cop on the Beat Is A Drone

    Add Beverly Hills to the growing number of law enforcement agencies in California and nationwide that can boast of significant reductions  in crime since purchasing their first drone.  The city’s police department introduced its new “Hawkeye” drone last week with a social media post that included a video of the drone in action.  In fact,... Read More

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  • Drone “Mermaids”?  Not Just an Underwater Fantasy

    It’s well known that drones can boldly go where humans cannot.  But they rarely look like humans when they do.   One exception:  The drone “mermaid.” First unveiled back in 2016, “Ocean 1” is a next-generation underwater robot with mechanical “hands” and a high-powered camera inserted into each “eye” that can inspect bridges and coral reefs... Read More

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  • “Chainsaw” Drones Are Helping to Contain a Deadly Tree Fungus in Hawaii

    A rapidly spreading plant and tree fungus on the Hawaiian island of Hilo is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of precious ʻŌhiʻa trees annually.  Researchers at the University of Hawaii, led by geographer Prof. Ryan Perroy, have devised an ingenious method for collecting samples of the fungus to better understand why it spreads.  They’re... Read More

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  • Wisconsin At the Forefront of Police Drone Operations Nationwide

    America’s law enforcement agencies are warming to drones – and no state seems to have embraced them more enthusiastically than Wisconsin.  The Badger State ranks a close second (57) to California (58) for the number of law enforcement agencies nationwide with drone programs; both states slightly trail Texas, which has 64.  But consider the population... Read More

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  • When Hospitals Need an Organ Transplant, Should They Call For a Drone?

    Drones offer many technological and logistical advantages over fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, in a variety of settings. but when it comes to transporting freshly harvested human organs, the most important of these advantages are speed and travel time. Hearts and lungs can only survive intact for a few short hours after being extracted from their... Read More

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