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  • Why is Arizona Such a Drone “Friendly” State?

    How drone “friendly” are the 50 US states?  According to the Virginia-based Mercatus Center, which ranks each jurisdiction based on a cluster of factors – mostly relating to laws and regulations favoring drone flights – there is a wide variation.  Some states you might assume rank high – like California, a perennial trend-setter in matters... Read More

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  • First Data Collecting Weather Drones About to Launch Nationwide

    Scientists have been using drones to collect data on how hurricanes form and spread.  For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) deploys the high-altitude Global Hawk to help forecast next-season hurricanes.  It recently deployed a fleet of unmanned aerial drones that flew into the eye of hurricanes Maria and Harvey to document the... Read More

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  • Drone Credited with Uniting a Missing Dog with Her Owner

    When law enforcement agencies conduct a search and rescue operation with a drone, it’s typically a missing person they’re looking for.  But this past September, the police in Fremont County, Colorado went out in search of man’s best friend – and in short order, they found her. The “her” was a golden retriever named Farrah... Read More

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  • Which Industry Relies Most Heavily on Drones?  The Answer May Surprise You

    Which industry relies most heavily on drones?  The answer may surprise you.  Many observers might pick agriculture – and there’s good reason for thinking so.  The drone market in agriculture is expected to expand rapidly over the next 5 years – from roughly $1 billion now to over $7 billion in 2027.  That’s a combined... Read More

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  • Marine Biologists Turn To Drones to Identify Pregnant Dolphins

    Marine biologists in Scotland have found an innovative way to determine whether the bottlenosed dolphins they’re studying are pregnant:  They’re collecting photogrammetric images of the dolphin females’ developing bodies using camera images captured by aerial drones.   The project is a joint venture of University of Aberdeen researchers based at the Lighthouse Field Station in Cromarty... Read More

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  • China’s Latest Drone Expeditions to the Antarctic Are Raising Eyebrows

    China has been flaunting its leadership in every drone niche imaginable – from fire fighting to space travel.  And now the world’s dominant drone manufacturer and exporter is surging ahead of its rivals in the exploration of Antarctica – the “South Pole.”  China just completed its 38th aerial mapping expedition of the polar region, ostensibly... Read More

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  • From Aerial Surveying to Crop Harvesting: The Expanding Role of Drones in Farm Management

    It’s well-known that unmanned aerial aircraft are playing increasingly important roles in farm management.  Drones are conducting aerial mapping surveys to establish more precise land boundaries and to assess disease and pest damage to crop yields.  Less well known is the expanding role of drones in crop harvesting.  Two countries are in the forefront of... Read More

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  • A New Drone Mission: Underwater Search and Rescue

    A growing number of public safety organizations are turning to drones to enhance their search-and-rescue (SAR) operations.  Helicopters and road vehicles may not be able to access remote and inaccessible areas, especially at night, where missing or fleeing persons may be hiding or injured, unable to communicate their need for help.  Drones equipped with long-range... Read More

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  • Foreign Drone Flying in Asia: Obstacles and Opportunities

    Asia is one of the world’s fastest growing regions for drone development.  Yet, paradoxically, a large number of Asian countries still impose tight restrictions on drone flying, especially by foreigners.  In Japan, until just recently, all inspections of major public infrastructure had to be conducted on-site by human surveyors.  Drones were banned outright.  Some countries... Read More

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  • Drones in Africa: Saving Lives and Promoting National Development

    The African continent is not considered a major center of drone industry activity – and for good reason.   Several countries, including Algeria and Morocco, have gone so far as to ban drones outright; the penalties for drone flying are severe.  Many others make it nearly impossible for foreigners to fly drones unless they pay an... Read More

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