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  • Some Conservationists Are Worried About the Effect of Drones on Bird Life

    Drones are widely viewed as a boon to the world’s expanding conservation efforts. With their thermal imaging sensors, drones can track endangered species as well as predators and poachers.  They can also detect stress patterns in flora and alert  conservationists to the need for remediation.  But drones can also pose a threat to some animal... Read More

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  • Latin America Embraces Drone Package Delivery Services

    Drone package delivery services are expanding worldwide but Latin America’s are consistently cutting-edge.  In May, a Brazilian start-up, Speedbird Aero became that country’s first company to be certified by the ANAC, Brazil’s equivalent of the F.A.A., to operate remotely piloted drones for deliveries.  A similar breakthrough just occurred in Peru, where a joint venture between... Read More

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  • Are Some Reported UFO Sightings Just Rogue Drones?

     Residents of Austin, TX were thrilled, shocked and bewildered by the appearance over their city last Thursday of a swarm of bright lights that briefly hovered, then suddenly shot away and disappeared. Was it evidence of a UFO, many wondered. One man who shot a short video of the event seemed genuinely spooked that... Read More

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  • Manned Drones May Be the Paramedics of the Future

    Drones aren’t typically thought of as manned aircraft.  Either the drone is remotely piloted or it flies autonomously following a pre-programmed flight pattern.  The term Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, or UAV, reflects this understanding. But manned drones do exist.  Jetson, a Swedish company has already sold the first 12 models of its single-seat manned aircraft, which... Read More

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  • Drones Are Being Deployed as Shark and Crocodile “Spotters”

    Australia may be the world’s leader in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to track and protect endangered wildlife.  When massive bush fires broke out in 2019, the national government deployed drones to find and rescue koala bears whose habitats were threatened.  The government has also launched special conservation efforts aimed at sea turtles,... Read More

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  • Oklahoma is America’s Leading Drone Delivery State

    Oklahoma is the leading drone delivery state in the nation, according to an authoritative report released last week by the Fairfax, VA-based Mercatus Center.  Part of the reason, the report noted, is the active cooperation of the Choctaw Nation Indian reservation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the development of the latest state-of-the-art drone... Read More

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  • America Is Taking the Lead in Space Drone Development

    A high-altitude “satellite” drone known as the Zephyr just touched down on Earth after setting a number of records for continuous flight by an unmanned aerial aircraft.  The Zephyr managed to stay airborne for 64 days, 18 hours and 26 minutes, a prodigious feat made possible by its state-of-the-art solar-powered batteries that allow the craft... Read More

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  • Could Package Delivery Drones Make Carbon Emissions Worse?

    The benefits of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for businesses and consumers alike are well-documented.  Thanks to drones, businesses can reduce their labor costs and improve the efficiency and safety of their operations.  Consumers, including those in need of emergency medical care, can receive more timely and responsive service.  It’s a win-win, right?  Well, not necessarily. ... Read More

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  • Drones Are Beginning to Plant and Harvest Crops

    Drones are impacting a growing number of industrial sectors, but none more important than large-scale farming.  One recent study estimates that 80% of all drones in operation in the United States will soon be devoted to agriculture.  Drones are typically considered useful for tasks such as land mapping and crop maintenance, including fertilizer spraying and... Read More

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  • Remote ID is Coming to an Airspace Near You

    Drones allow businesses to speed their operations and cut their costs all the while enhancing workplace safety.  After a decade of successful deployment, it’s hard to argue with the commercial advantages of properly registered and skillfully deployed drones.  But with so many drones now in operation, the need to reign in drone excesses is growing,... Read More

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