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  • Drone Light Shows:  Safer and More Dazzling Than Fireworks?

     July 4th fireworks displays are dazzling and exciting, especially for kids, but they can be dangerous when not properly supervised.  A report by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released last month found that injuries due to mishandled fireworks climbed 25% between 2006 and 2021.  In addition, wildland fires and property damage caused by... Read More

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  • Underwater Unmanned Vehicles (UUV’s) Join the Drone Arms Race

     Nations are beginning to acquire a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles, and about a dozen, led by the United States and Russia, are arming them. America first began deploying remotely piloted armed drones – starting with the infamous “Predator” drone –  during the Iraq War in 2004.  It’s used them ever since to launch... Read More

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  • Drone Journalism Poised for Full Take-Off

    Should media organizations enjoy a First Amendment right to conduct news gathering with drones?  Most observers would say yes.  But balancing that right with the rights of citizens to privacy has sparked enormous debate. To date, 9 states, including Florida, Idaho and Montana, have passed laws regulating and in many cases sharply restricting the drone... Read More

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  • Drones Could Be Critical For Workplace Safety Compliance

    Workplace fatalities are on the rise with more than 5,100 last year.  But many of these fatalities might be avoided if more industries employed drones.  For example, drones can help monitor unsafe workplace conditions that lead to falls from ladders and scaffolding – still the largest safety risk at work.  A study published in the... Read More

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  • Could Drones Help the Nation Fight Destructive Wildfires?

    Wildfires cause some $20 Billion in property damage and several dozen deaths annually – and unfortunately due to climate change, the yearly toll is rising.  Predicting and containing wildfires has become a top national priority but is also of special concern in states like California where most wildfires occur.  It stands to reason that drones,... Read More

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  • Can Armed Drones Turn the Tide of Battle in the Ukraine?

    Can the introduction of a single powerful weapon system turn the tide of battle in modern war?  Not usually, most experts say.  But depending on the war’s balance of forces, and the weapon in question, it can prove to be a powerful equalizer in the conflict, especially for the side under siege. The Biden administration’s... Read More

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  • Drones Join the Fight to Combat Wildlife Extinction

    Wildlife extinction is a growing worldwide problem.  The World Wildlife Foundation estimates that some 10,000 species, including land and marine animals, birds and insects – become extinct each year.  Plants and trees, especially the world’s rain forests, are also under siege.  Traditional conservation efforts are helping, but more resources are needed to target conservation more... Read More

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  • Drones Are Becoming Indispensable to Farm Management

    Drones play an important role on many U.S. farms and more farms than ever are using them heavily, research shows. For example, a survey conducted in 2018 found that more than four-fifths of all US farms with drones deployed them at least once a week; almost a third used them daily.  What tasks did they... Read More

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  • Impressive in Battle, Drones Won’t Be USAF’s “Top Guns” Anytime Soon

    The “dogfight” may be the quintessential aerial contest waged between warring pilots.  But is it one in which an unmanned or remotely piloted drone can also compete and win?  The Pentagon actually tested the dogfight concept back in the 1970’s with remotely piloted drones, not the autonomous AI-supported aerial vehicles that exist today.  Back then,... Read More

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  • Drones for Kids? The Youth Market is Booming

    Marketers know that kids are an important demographic. Kids have purchasing power in their own right but they also influence their parents’ buying decisions – and they’re tomorrow’s adult consumers.  Reach them early and they’ll be buying your brand for years.  Do the same basic marketing principles apply to drones?  You bet they do. With drones... Read More

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