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  • Underwater Drone Finds the Missing Ship, Endurance, Which Sank Back in 1915

     Movies like The Goonies, National Treasure, and most recently Uncharted have always been appealing and beloved by audiences. Setting aside the scripts, acting, and special effects, the possible reality of people being able to find lost treasures is something anyone can dream of. Getting your hands on untold fortunes and a piece of history... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Protect the US/Mexico Border

    Spanning 1,954 miles from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, with 48 sanctioned border crossing stations, there are approximately 350 million documented US-Mexico crossings each year. Within the first 7 months of 2021, officials estimated that more than 1 million people crossed the Mexico border into the US illegally. Political opinions aside, the... Read More

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  • Black Swift Technologies (BST) Creates Drones For Extreme Environments

     After receiving his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2011, Jack Elston founded Black Swift Technologies (BST) in Boulder, CO. As stated in Jack’s bio, his graduate research was “based on work that developed a complex meshed network, unmanned aircraft system, and control algorithms for in situ sampling of... Read More

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  • Drones Being Used in Search and Rescue Missions

    In North America, search and rescue (SAR) operations are overseen by a wide range of organizations. SAR is carried out by federal and local governments as well as local volunteer units. Each of these agencies depends on coordinating with collaborators to ensure the recovery of missing persons, be it a large group of people or... Read More

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  • New Drone Called HUUVER Is a Ground Drone and Aerial Drone In One

     Since 1984 the European Union (EU) has been collaborating to foster programs that would benefit the Union’s relationship with technology. In 2014, the agenda was titled Horizon 2020, a program with a budget of €80 billion focused on innovative technology that would drive economic growth. When Horizon 2020 came to a close, it was... Read More

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  • Alaska State Troopers Using Drones For Search and Rescue Missions and More

    With a total population of only 736,081, Alaska is the least populous state in the United States. Covering 665,384.04 square miles, Alaska is also the largest state. Responsible for the safety and protection of the people of Alaska is the Alaska State Troopers (AST). A full service law enforcement agency the AST only has about... Read More

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  • Major League Baseball (MLB) Embracing Drones

     Though baseball is known as the official American sport, its popularity has declined in recent years. Games take too long, lack thrills, and there’s little to immerse fans in the action on the field. However, the MLB has taken strides to change this, bringing how fans interact with baseball to a more modern experience.... Read More

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  • FAA Partners With Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma To Engage In Parcel Drone Deliveries

    As part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, the FAA set out to initiate a 5 year program that would focus on the incorporation of drones in shared airspace. The cornerstone of this project would see the FAA designate several official drone test sites. Each of these test sites... Read More

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  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Working on Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) for Drones

    As the largest transportation agency in the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is faced with a daunting amount of responsibility. They regulate all aspects of civil aviation, including aircraft certification, airport standards, and air traffic management. The FAA’s mission, since its founding in 1958, is to ensure that the United States has the... Read More

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