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  • A Bold Indiana Based Startup Hopes To Increase Its Share of the US Drone Market

    Pressure on Chinese UAV companies to reduce their presence in the US drone market and make room for more US-based suppliers is growing.  A number of ambitious start-ups with niche capabilities are rapidly expanding their operations, hoping to increase their market share. One such start-up is Indiana-based Uniform Sierra Aerospace, the brainchild of three Purdue... Read More

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  • Wisk Plans to Have eVTOL Drone Taxis in the Air by 2028

    Mountain View, CA based Wisk, a leading designer of eVTOL air taxis,  has just inked a deal with the City of Sugar Land near Houston, TX to begin providing drone passenger service at a small regional airport by the end of 2030. Under their agreement, Wisk and the city will work jointly to identify a... Read More

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  • Asylon Joins an Elite Group of UAV Companies Offering “Drone in a Box” Solutions

    Asylon Robotics, based in Norristown, PA, has just joined an elite group of UAV companies offering companies “Drone in a Box” solutions for their industrial inspection needs. The company has been working with the FAA for the past year to qualify its drone system for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations without the need... Read More

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  • Drone as First Responder Program Continues to Take Hold Nationwide

    Two more local police departments – one in Las Vegas, NV, the other in Elk Grove, CA – have just embraced the Drone As First Responder (DFR) Program – bringing to nearly 30 the number of law enforcement agencies nationwide that have embraced the innovative crime-fighting system. DFR – first initiated in Chula Vista, CA... Read More

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  • Backed by DJI, Newcomer ANZU Seeks a Foothold in the US Drone Industry

    Can American UAV companies really make a dent in China-based DJI’s near monopoly over global drone sales?  With pressure rising in Congress to curtail DJI’s access to the US market – and with bans on their use already in place in states like Florida and Tennessee – some U.S. drone firms are stepping up to... Read More

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  • Amazon’s Prime Air Drone Service Another Painful (But Promising) Transition

    Amazon announced this week that it was dismantling one of its two founding drone hubs in historic Lockeford, CA after a decade of failing to make significant aerial deliveries from the site.  The company says the move is part of a strategic transition away from isolated rural areas toward more densely populated suburbs and will... Read More

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  • Drone Delivery Pioneer Zipline Reaches the One Million Mark

    2024 promises to be a banner year for retail drone deliveries across the United States.  A handful of US-based  drone companies, having acquired FAA approval to conduct flights on a Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) basis, are poised to begin making long-distance deliveries at scale without the need for ground observers or special safety... Read More

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  • Skyports Surges to the Forefront of Vertiport Development for Drone Taxis

    “Flying cars” – long considered a Jetsonian sci-fi fantasy – are finally coming to fruition, with commercial operations of two- and four-seat uncrewed aircraft at international airports beginning as early as next year.  A number of leading Silicon Valley start-ups, including Joby, Archer and Wisk have signed agreements with major airlines to provide drone taxis... Read More

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  • Indoor UAV Pioneer Flyability Prepares to Showcase Its Upgraded Elios 3 Drone

    Indoor drone flying is a special commercial niche that few UAV companies have mastered.  One of the leading pioneers is Switzerland-based Flyability, designer of the state-of-the-art Elios indoor mapping drone – currently in service inspecting mine shafts, construction sites, warehouses, ship hulls and nuclear waste facilities. The Elios 3 was introduced early last year featuring... Read More

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  • Local Wyoming Sheriff’s Office Finally Acquires Its Own Drone Fleet

    Most of the nation’s police forces are eager to acquire drones to bolster their crime-fighting capabilities.  Those that cannot convince their local government to approve a special budget request to purchase a UAV sometimes turn to private foundations for support. But one local law enforcement department has found another source of support –  the proceeds... Read More

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