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  • North Dakota Becoming the Hot Spot For Drone Companies

    Drones have made a significant impact in fields of agriculture, logistics, science, inspections, securities, emergency services, entertainment, real estate, and so much more. While drone popularity is apparent in many regions across the United States, there are several drone hot spots. These areas with high drone use and development are the strategic locations appointed by... Read More

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  • Collier County Sheriff’s Office In Florida Using Drones To Dissuade Would be Thieves During Holiday Shopping Season

    The Collier County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) in southwest Florida was one of the first police departments to use drones. CCSO began their drone program with 5 DJI drones to help in search and rescue missions, situational awareness, and emergency response procedures.  In 2017, CCSO was the first law enforcement agency to locally deploy drones in... Read More

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  • Zipline Partnering With Walmart for Drone Deliveries

    In 2014, Economics and Biotechnology Harvard graduate Keller Rinaudo founded Zipline based out of San Francisco. Keller’s mission was to provide everyone on Earth, even in the most hard to reach places, with access to vital medical supplies, instantly with drone technology. Zipline developed a bi-wing drone that conserves energy by being launched from a... Read More

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  • One of the Most Popular Gifts During the Holiday Season: Drones!

    The holiday season is fully upon us, and with 60% of Americans ages 12 and over fully vaccinated against COVID19, it is a time to celebrate with family and loved ones. This means more traveling and getting together to enjoy traditions of years gone by. As people digest their Thanksgiving feasts, many will begin to... Read More

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  • Docomo Company Creates Blimp-Drone With Color LED’s To Create Light Shows

     As the largest wireless carrier in Japan, NTT Docomo, understandably has a large research and development operation to keep abreast of the latest advancements in technology. Docomo often collaborates with American based companies, like Google, in R&D projects. And just like how America’s largest wireless carrier, Verizon, has begun embracing drone technology, so too... Read More

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  • Leading US Drone Manufacturer, Skydio, Partnering Up With Axon For Secure Data Storage

    As emergency agencies embrace 21st century practices, drones have become more and more associated with them. Over the last few years, the ways in which drones can benefit police and emergency officers have continued to grow. Drones are being used in search and rescue, evidence collection, crime scene inspection, situational awareness, and much more. For... Read More

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