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  • New York’s UAlbany College Creates Drone Program For Students

    To be a successful university, the institution must develop programs that reflect the current needs of the world. In 2015, New York’s UAlbany introduced the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity (CEHC), that is geared towards the unique issues of homeland security in today’s technologically advanced environment. One of the many areas of... Read More

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  • Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plants Being Inspected By Drones

    For more than two decades, the heads of the world’s largest economies have met for the G20 Summit. Topics discussed include global issues surrounding financial stability, health and education, and more. In recent years, one of the most prominent topics of discussion at the G20 Summit has been the impending climate change crisis facing the... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Monitor The Kelp Ecosystem

    A kelp forest is an area of the ocean with a dense kelp ecosystem. These ecosystems support an abundance of marine life. For many years scientists have been studying kelp forests to understand how many different ecological processes function. Kelp forests, especially those found along the east coast of Tasmania and Northern California, have drastically... Read More

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  • Controlling a Drone With Just Your Mind

     One of the things that have always differentiated living beings from machines is the fact that living beings are in complete control of their minds. A machine has to be programmed to think and act, while the neurological process allows humans and animals to instantly and instinctively think and react. Mind control is often... Read More

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  • Concord California Police Department to Add Drones to Their Arsenal of Tools

    About 29 miles east of San Francisco, CA, lies the city of Concord. With a population of close to 130,000, Concord is the largest city in Contra Costa County. On April 6, 2020, the CPD swore in its newest Chief of Police, Mark Bustillos. Chief Bustillos received a B.A. in International Relations from Stanford University,... Read More

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  • UAV Factory Creates High End Drone Called Penguin C UAS

    In 2009, UAV Factory was founded out of Irvington, New York with one simple goal. As stated on the company website, this goal was the development of “the most advanced technology in the small, long-endurance unmanned aircraft market segment.” With 125 employees in the US and Europe, clients within 57 different countries, and more than... Read More

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  • US Military Creates a Retrievable Drone

     Each year the US armed forces spend millions on drone technology, many of which are single use devices. In 2016, defensive applied sciences firm Dynetics was one of 4 companies awarded a Phase I contract by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop an experimental recoverable drone. In 2018, Dynetics became the... Read More

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