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  • Israeli Technology Company, Asio, Creates NavGuard, Allowing Drones to Fly Safely Regardless of Their Signal

    Military services are so ingrained in the culture of the country, it comes as no surprise that Israel is also home to some of the most influential corporations that support the military industry. In 2002 former IDF (Israel Defense Forces) officers and commanders Yaniv and Tomer Malchi founded Asio Technologies to serve parliamentary and defensive... Read More

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  • Cincinnati, Ohio Police Force and Swat Team Now Using Drones

    In the summer of 2017, the City Administration of Cincinnati, OH, announced its initiative to establish Cincinnati as the city with one of the smartest municipal platforms. Some of the Smart City Initiative projects were plans to deliver broadband 5G networks to support the city’s infrastructure, apps for citizens to communicate with municipal offices, smart... Read More

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  • Photographer Using His Drone to Capture Great White Sharks

     Great white sharks are one of the most misunderstood creatures on Earth. Found in the coastal waters of all major oceans, great whites can grow up to 20ft long and weigh up to 5,000lbs with an estimated 70 year lifespan. Due to habitat disturbance, climate change, hunting, and misconceptions about great whites, their populations... Read More

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  • Community Colleges Offering Drone Courses at Affordable Rates

    Countries like Germany and Norway have been setting the bar for providing the highest quality education in the world. Teachers are well paid and respected and work in schools with an unparalleled student to teacher ratio. This commitment to excellence in education extends beyond primary and secondary schools to university levels. Both Germany and Norway... Read More

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  • India Embracing Drone Technology

    Over the last year and a half, the majority of drone related news coming out of India had to do with drones being used in conflicts along the India, China, Pakistan border. Marking a change of pace and progress, drones started being used in a more publicly beneficial manner in the summer of 2021 in... Read More

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  • Hyundai Motor Company Working on a Hydrogen Powered Trailer Drone

     The world needs to find long term alternate fuel sources. Fossil fuels, our primary energy source, are nonrenewable and harming the environment. President Biden has begun a campaign that will see some of the United State’s energy sources transferred to wind farms. Meanwhile, in South Korea, the government has committed to exploring the use... Read More

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  • United States Navy’s 5th Fleet Testing Out New Drone Technology

    On April 28, 1944, the United States Navy established the 5th Fleet as a naval stronghold in the Pacific Ocean. It was deactivated two years after WWII ended. On July 1, 1995, the fleet was reinstated to address growing tensions in the Persian Gulf. Headquartered out of Bahrain, the 5th Fleet maintains a presence in... Read More

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