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  • MLB’s All-Star Game in Denver Monitored By Drones

    Every year Major League Baseball, the oldest professional sports league in North America, has held an exhibition game between the National and American League. Known as the MLB All-Star Game, the players participating are selected by fans. The game is played for the love of baseball and its fans. Since the All-Star Game’s inauguration in... Read More

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  • The UK’s Royal Navy Established “NavyX” To Use Drones As Rescue Vehicles

    Ben Wallace, the United Kingdom’s Secretary of Defence said, “To assure our continued success on operations into the future it is vital that the Royal Navy continues to be equipped with the latest cutting-edge capabilities we need to address the rapidly evolving challenges that pose a threat to our national interests around the globe.” To... Read More

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  • Chinese Delivery App, Meituan, Using Aerial and Ground Drones For Last Mile Deliveries

     In Chinese, the word “mei” means beautiful, and the word “tuan” means together. When Wang Xing decided to build a platform that brought local consumers and merchants together, he merged the idea of beauty and togetherness into what would become a multi-billion dollar shopping platform called Meituan. In 2010, Meituan became available in cities... Read More

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  • More Towns Replacing Fireworks With Drones For 4th of July Celebrations

     On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to proclaim independence for the 13 American colonies that had been under the rule of Britain’s King George III. Two days later, independence was officially declared. The 4th of July has since become a joyous federal holiday in the United States of America. The holiday has... Read More

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  • Israeli Ministry of Defense Using Lasers to Bring Down Enemy Drones

     By now, it should come as no surprise that military forces around the world rely on drones for many daily defensive and offensive missions. Drones can complete missions at a lower cost than most military machines. At the same time, these drones protect a military unit’s most valuable assets, human operatives. While the drones... Read More

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  • Nepal Flying Lab Using Drones to Monitor Damage During the Monsoon Season

    In Nepal, June through August is known as the monsoon season. Similar to the hurricanes that occur in the Caribbean, monsoons that sweep through southeast Asia can be devastating. On average, it rains daily during the monsoon season, and the country can expect anywhere from 200-375 millimeters of rainfall. On June 16, 2021, the Melamchi... Read More

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  • Drone Company Dronamics, Creating Cargo Drone For Transporting Heavy Payloads

     A lot has changed in the world because of the global pandemic, COVID-19. A positive has been that drone technology has broken through some of the barriers that had been holding back the industry’s true potential. With people needing to quarantine and keep socially distanced, drones have stepped in to become actionable delivery vehicles.... Read More

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