Rhode Island Drone Photography & Aerial Videography Services

Instant Online Scheduling for Rhode Island Drone Services

  • ico-4k-ultrahd 4K Ultra HD Quality on All Videos and Hi-Res Photos
  • ico-operator Handpicked, Experienced Rhode Island Drone Pilots
  • ico-calendar Instant Online Scheduling for ANY Date and Time
  • ico-dollar 100% Flat-Rate Package Pricing, No Hidden Fees

Rhode Island Drone Photography

Drones are being used for all kinds of commercial purposes these days, but its their ability to take breathtaking photos and videos that makes them such a valuable asset to so many businesses.

And when businesses need best-in-class Rhode Island drone photography services, they turn to DroneVideos. For years, we’ve been leaders in the aerial photography and videography space, and businesses love our work because it’s always high-quality and backed up by first-rate customer service.

Businesses We’re Proud To Work With

Construction Firms

Construction firms need drone photos and videos for a few reasons. For one, this content helps architects during the design phase of the building process. And during construction, this content can help project managers make on-site adjustments in real time. They can also show the content to stakeholders as proof of work being completed.

Real Estate Firms

Real estate firms that deal in either commercial or residential real estate can benefit significantly from using drone photos and videos. In fact, most property listings nowadays include some drone content, and those that don’t usually get passed over.

A drone can capture all the elements that make a property unique and attractive, and it can capture the surrounding area as well. And if shot well, a drone video may be all a buyer needs to see before making an offer.

Golf Courses

It doesn’t matter whether the course is nine holes or eighteen; a drone can fly over and capture all the unique features that golfers want to see. Clubhouse amenities can be highlighted as well.

Home Inspectors

Home inspectors can use drone videos and photos to expedite their inspections, and this content can also help them be more thorough. Especially if the property is large, using a drone for roof inspection and related tasks could speed things up big time.


Like home inspectors, roofers use drone photos and videos to make their jobs easier. A drone can capture all those hard-to-reach places, saving the roofers from having to find them on their own. And the less time spent on the roof, the better!

Our Three-Step Hassle-Free Process Is Quick and Easy

Step One

Click the “Order Now” now tab on the above menu to get started. After you select the package you want, tell us the address you’d like filmed and the date and time you want the flight to happen. Provide any specific instructions as well such as if there is a specific part of the property you want us to focus on.

Step Two

After the flight happens, the content will be sent to our team of highly skilled professional editors. They’ll color-correct the photos and videos, and they’ll add blue skies to all photos and provide one free digital twilight photo with each commercial package. Videos will have music added, and we’ll provide both branded and unbranded versions, the latter being great for MLS sites.

Step Three

We’ll present the photos and videos on an SEO-friendly page that’s easy to share, and we’ll provide downloadable copies so the photos and videos can be uploaded to your website, marketing material or any social media channels.

Start Your Order
Whatever you're selling, documenting or presenting,
we'll film it beautifully from aloft... for less!