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  • Solar Powered Drones to Provide High Speed Internet & More

    Drones come in a wide variety of sizes with an equally wide range of uses.  From micro insect spy drones to compact toy drones, from compact HD camera equipped drones to massive military drones, the options are endless.  One goal several companies have tried achieving with drones is to build one that can withstand extended... Read More

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  • LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) Adds Drones to Their Arsenal of Tools

    The city of Los Angeles is home to more than 4 million people.  The city receives over 48 million tourists each year as well.  The Los Angeles Police Department is the third largest municipal police department in the United States with just under 10,000 active police officers.  They are only surpassed in number by the... Read More

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  • “SoFar”, the Open Source, Underwater Drone

    Almost anyone can afford to buy a drone these days.  Drone quality continues to rise while their prices become more affordable.  Toy drones can range from $5-$200 while drones with cameras can be found starting at around $200.  There is so much that can be done with these drones, the sky is literally the limit. ... Read More

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  • Many Countries Around the World Are Using Drones to Protect Their Borders

    Recently, Europe experienced an immigration crisis that saw more that 1 million immigrants cross over European borders.  Most of these immigrants came from Africa and the Middle East, and many are still fleeing to Europe daily.  In an effort to help maintain border policies and safety, the European Union adopted a new plan to help... Read More

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  • Farmers Using Drones to Save the Lives of Deer

    In much of the North Eastern United States, overpopulation of deer has become an issue.  In New Jersey deer populations have lead to $8 million in loss for soybean farmers, added to a jump in Lyme disease cases, and caused a reported over 25,000 car accidents in one year.  It has gotten to the point... Read More

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  • The “Smash 2000” is a New Military Device to Stop Rogue Drones

    For many of us, the first time the public started hearing about drones on a regular basis was in 2002 when the US military used the Predator drone in attacks against Osama bin Laden.  With the successes the US military found using the Predator, drones and the military became common news.  Since then, the use... Read More

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  • Underwater Drone Finds Shipwreck Worth An Estimated $17 Billion

    Who wouldn’t want to stumble across a treasure?  It’s like asking someone if they want to win the lottery, of course they do.  But there is something truly fascinating about finding a treasure that has been long lost, regardless of the fortunes the treasure could bring.  Being able to reclaim a piece of history and... Read More

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  • Hybrid Drones Using Batteries and Fuel to Extend Flight Times

    There is the age old question, what came first the chicken or the egg?  Scientists have finally given us an answer.  Technically, though not simply, it was the egg.  A similar question can be posed when thinking of how a drone is designed.  What comes first the drone or the battery?  For a drone to... Read More

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  • Farmers Using Drones to Rid Their Crops of Invasive Insects

    Farmers around the world often have to deal with unpredictable elements.  Droughts and storms can lead to low productions, but fortunately most farmers have learned how to prepare and accommodate accordingly for weather.  One of the biggest issues all farmers face is crop loss from invasive pests.  Farmers expect to always lose some of their... Read More

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  • Drones Being Used to Monitor Crowds During College Football Games

    As summer winds down and fall approaches it’s time to start thinking of all the joys the autumn season brings.  From cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, and everything pumpkin spice flavored there is a lot to look forward too.  One of the most anticipated fall occurrences in the United States is most certainly the beginning of... Read More

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