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  • UPS Partners Up With Matternet to Create a Drone Delivery System

    Not long ago, UPS partnered up with Matternet to begin a drone delivery system.  The groundbreaking partnership took place in Raleigh, NC on the WakeMed hospital campus.  In conjunction with the FAA, UPS and Matternet began transporting medical samples with drones across the expansive Raleigh medical campus.  Traditionally these medical samples would be transported by... Read More

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  • Throwflame Creates a Flamethrower for Drones

    Earlier this summer the company Throwflame had a bit of a viral moment when they launched a drone with a flamethrower attached to it.  Throwflame is a company that specializes in flamethrowers and the accessories needed to operate them for a variety of reasons.  The majority of the flamethrowers they sell are used for commercial... Read More

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  • Drone Operator Captures Great White Sharks Swimming Around People

    View this post on Instagram Last post from today I promise. This was just too good not to post right away. Taken about an hour ago, this guys had no idea that they had some company out there this evening! Anyone wanna join them? After about an hour one of them finally sees it, but... Read More

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  • A Drone Captures the FBI Raiding Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island

    In 1998, Jeffrey Epstein purchased an island of the coast of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.  The island known officially as Little St. James is roughly 78 acres that was sold to Epstein through his LLC called L.S.J for $7.95 million.  In 2016, he bought the larger neighboring island, Great St. James, for $18... Read More

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  • Boxfish ROV is An Amazing Underwater Drone

    In 2016, Ben King and Craig Anderson founded Boxfish Research with the purpose of finding the best way to explore underwater environments.  Based out of New Zealand they describe themselves as “A bunch of enthusiastic kiwi explorers, divers, engineers & software developers with a passion for pushing the boundaries of what is believed to be... Read More

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  • Rescue Workers Using Drones After Tornadoes to Locate and Save Lives

    There are many names for one of natures most destructive forces.  They are called tornadoes, twisters, cyclones, or whirlwinds.  Whatever you call them, they can wreck unimaginable havoc.  If you look up the definition of a tornado you will find the description, “a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring overland, especially in the Middle West, and... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Monitor Cemeteries in Europe

    Once again there has been an increase in anti-Semitisim in Europe.  In Northwestern England a prominent Jewish headstone was vandalized, along with windows and other structures in the cemetery.  In a Jewish cemetery in France close to 80 headstones were desecrated when vandals painted swastikas on them.  For much of the 46 countries throughout Europe,... Read More

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  • Company Uses a “Sniffer” Drone to Check Cargo Ship Emissions

    The Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) and The Ocean Exchange are leading the way to assuring ocean vessels are in compliance with environmental standards.  Recently, The United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) changed regulations of the acceptable sulfur emissions from large sea vessels.  The Danish Maritime Authority’s website explains that, “Most ships use heavy fuel oil as... Read More

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  • Aerobotics Drones Helping Farmers in South Africa Improve Their Crop Yields

    In 2014, a man from Cape Town, South Africa decided he wanted to find a way to better help local farmers yield larger crops.  As part of the 60% of Africans living in rural areas dependent on agriculture, James Paterson grew up on a fruit farm in Cape Town.  While on the farm he designed... Read More

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  • Walmart Patents Drone Blockchain Technology

    Cryptocurrencies have become a major focus in world economics lately.  If they were lucky, some people were able to create a fortune investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins, Ethereum, or NEO.  Though the cryptocurrency market has been facing some troubles lately, it’s popularity has brought to light some other ideas.  One thing most cryptocurrencies have in... Read More

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