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  • Disney Files Patent Which Would Prevent Drones From Filming Near Their Parks

    Disney is one of the largest media companies in the world.  This week alone they broke yet another record with the release of the Avengers Endgame movie.  Information on any projected Disney film, TV show, or park expansion is highly sought after.  Media pirates have started using drones to spy on Disney projects.  At Hollywood... Read More

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  • A New Circus Called Fjuze Will Use Drones For Entertainment

    The first known circus can be dated back to Ancient Greece and Rome where spectators would come to see chariot races, gladiator battles, and equestrian shows.  Since then circuses have been a constant source of entertainment throughout the world.  They evolved into multi ring spectacles with clowns, acrobats, trained animals, and many other oddities and... Read More

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  • Drones Are a New Tool for Artists to Express Themselves

    Art is something that can capture the attention of people on many different levels.  Artists are constantly looking for new ways to express themselves through art.  It should come as no surprise that one new way artists are creating is through the use of drone technology.  As one of the biggest up and coming technologies,... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Protect Beachgoers from Sharks

    Australia is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.  People come from all over to rest, play, swim, snorkel, dive, and surf along Australia’s coasts.  The last thing anyone visiting the beach wants to think about is whether or not their day will turn into tragedy.  Australia’s beaches are also known... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Transport Organs to Hospitals

    When Trina Glispy learned that her kidneys were failing in 2011 she was well aware of the devastating consequences it would mean.  As a nurse, she witnessed countless patients suffer through the same dialysis treatments she would be needing.  She knew the odds of finding a matching organ donor were slim.  After eight years of... Read More

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  • Using Drones for Conservation Efforts to Monitor Wildlife and More

    When Lian Pin Koh and Serge Wich first met it was to discuss ways they could work together for world conservation.  Koh is a conservation ecologist originally from Singapore, and Wich, born in Greece, is a primate biologist.  Both have had great success in their fields both academically and professionally.  In 2011 they meet up... Read More

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  • Schools Adding Drones to their Curriculum

    One of the biggest trends in education right is a STEM based curriculum, and for good reason too.  STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Math and was introduced as part of President Obama’s 2009 Educate to Innovate Campaign.  Though the United States has long been a leader in these fields, over the years more... Read More

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  • Is Drone Delivery Still on the Horizon?

    For quite some time now companies have been promising customers that they will be able to start receiving packages via drones.  Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has much of The United States waiting on edge for the official launch of Amazon Prime Air.  A service that will be able to deliver orders to residences within... Read More

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  • Drones Are Quickly Becoming Part of Our Every Day Lives

    Over the years, drones have greatly changed.  At first they were bulky unmanned flying devices used primarily by military forces.  They soon became a beloved gadget for hobbyists in varying sizes.  But now they are becoming a staple in mainstream commercialism.  Countless companies are finding ways to utilize drone technology to better their business. Agriculturists... Read More

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  • Realtors are Using Drones to Boost their Real Estate Sales

    This is currently the busiest time of year for Realtors.  Whether they are trying to sell a property or help a client find a perfect match it is go, go, go.  The real estate business is arguably one of the most competitive professions today.  So how can Realtors stand out in an overly saturated market. ... Read More

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