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  • Drones Help Firefighters During Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

    The structure that has stood in the epicenter of Paris for almost 900 years, famous for it’s French Gothic architecture, flying buttresses, gargoyles, and of course Victor Hugo’s inspiration for The Hunchback Of Notre-Dame was almost no more.  Earlier this month the world watched on in horror as the iconic Catholic cathedral Notre-Dame was engulfed... Read More

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  • New Anti-Drone Uses Gun to Take Down Enemy Drones

    Drones have proven to be useful tools for military organizations for many years now.  During World War I, the US military first started experimenting with combat drones.  Since as early as 2002, the United States Army began using drones as a major part of their operations.  Drones of varying sizes and capabilities have done everything... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Help Farm Hemp Crops

    One of the fastest growing industries today is cannabis.  Throughout much of the US and Europe hemp has become legalized.  Many places are also enacting lighter regulations on marijuana . It is important to know the difference here.  Hemp, while federally legal in the United States, is not the same as marijuana because it does... Read More

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  • BioCarbon Engineering Using Drones To Plant Seeds

    We live in a technologically immersive world.  You are using technology right now to read this article.  There is no doubt that technology has made our lives better.  But in some cases, certain advancements have led to the degradation of our environment.  One company is embracing technological advancement to help counter some of the negative... Read More

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  • Military to Test Cheap Plywood Throw Away Drones

    For quite some time now the concept of deliveries being made by drones have been being passed around.  The reasoning behind this is that drone deliveries can be extremely efficient both in matters of time and cost.  Amazon is just one major company that has been toying with the idea, however do to logistical issues... Read More

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  • Google’s Australian Drone Delivery System Named Wing

    It seems like every other day we are hearing of new companies claiming to make drone delivered goods a reality.  For years Amazon has been saying that they are committed to providing their customers with deliveries of their orders with in 30 minutes via drone.  Due to many logistical issues they have yet to make... Read More

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  • The Story of Mark Zuckerberg’s Internet Drones

    When Mark Zuckerberg first announced in 2016 that they were ready to test out Project Aquila, the world was ready to be amazed.  Was the Facebook CEO’s dream of world connectivity about to come to fruition?  Was his idea of a massive drone capable of delivering internet signals to the far reaches of the globe... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Transport Blood to Hospitals

    One of the most vital resources for countless hospitals world wide comes from the blood and tissue donations that are collected through organizations like the Red Cross.  It is hard enough for these blood drive centers to draw people in to make a donation, but what is sometimes even harder is getting these donations to... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Predict the Weather

    How many times have you checked the weather before going to bed, only to wake up to conditions that are the opposite of what was predicted. The study of meteorology is a famously imprecise one. Weather data is hard to collect and is constantly changing. But one meteorology professor is extremely optimistic as to the... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Help In the Logging Industry

    Years ago logging was a profession that most people didn’t really pay much attention to. But with the boom of reality TV, the average American household was introduced to a field that is far more exciting than they had expected. With shows like Ax Men and American Loggers, viewers learned that “logging” isn’t just cutting... Read More

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