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  • Using Drones to Count Trees for Forest Carbon Credits

    Recently, the World Meteorological Organization reported that the carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere were at a level of 405 parts per million, higher than they have been in over 3 million years.  If the global community does not act promptly these levels will continue to rise reaching a catastrophic global warming crisis.  Greta Thunberg, a... Read More

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  • The History and Dominance of the Leading Drone Manufacturer: DJI

    With their headquarters in Shenzen, Guangdong, the Chinese technology company DJI has taken over the world of drone technologies.  They have manufacturing facilities all over the world and control 70% of the drone market.  They dominate in the design of drones and all the accessories needed to use drones like flight control systems, propulsion systems,... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Free Marine Life Tangled in Old Fishing Gear

    Every year hundreds of thousands of marine creatures become trapped in marine debris and discarded fishing gear.  Birds, turtles, dolphins, sharks, whales, and many other large sea creatures are becoming victims to fishing nets floating through the oceans.  And while of course a goal would be to eliminate the debris from the ocean, conservationists are... Read More

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  • Using Drones to Vaccinate Animals

    North America’s most endangered mammal is the Black Footed Ferret.  Until recently, the Black Footed Ferret (BFF) was thought to be extinct, but in central Montana a scant population of them have been found in the wild.  The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates that there are around 370 BFFs in the wild today.  What has... Read More

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  • Scientists Use Drones To Collect Whale Snot

    How many times have you discretely (or not so discretely) backed away from someone after they sneeze?  Even if the sneezer covers their nose it’s instinct to move out of the way.  We are all well aware of the germs and grossness contained in the snotty mist being forced out from another human’s body at... Read More

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  • Scientists Using Drones to Track & Predict Tornadoes

    The spring to early summer of central North America is often considered tornado season.  The United States of America is hit with more tornadoes each year than any other region of the world.  The US averages around 1,200 tornadoes annually with the bulk of them hitting Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.  When these tornadoes strike they... Read More

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  • Using Drones To Monitor The Great Barrier Reef

    In the Coral Sea off the coast of Australia, stretching for 2,300 kilometers lies one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef.  It is the world’s largest structure made of living organisms and can be seen from outer space.  It is the home to thousands of species of sea creatures... Read More

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  • FAA Revising Current Drone Policies With Help from PrecisionHawk’s CEO

    The second largest professional auditor in the world, PwC, has estimated the the drone industry is worth close to $127 billion.  With commercial drone use in infrastructure and agriculture totaling around $45.2 billion and $34.2 billion, the drone industry is literally taking flight.  Which is why it more important that ever for proper guidelines to... Read More

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  • The FAA to Loosen Restrictions for Flying Drones

    As drone technology continues to advance, it is important that the guidelines that support the drone industry advance as well.  For the safety of both drone operators and bystanders the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) enforces strict regulations on drone use.  There is no argument that regulations need to be in place, but these regulations have... Read More

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  • The Birth of Under Water Drones

    When we think of drones, we normally picture a standard UAV, an airborne drone with either rotors or wings.  But in actuality, that is a very limited description of a drone.  Really a drone can be any unmanned aircraft ,ship, or vehicle that can navigate remotely or autonomously.  So yes, a drone can be a... Read More

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