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  • The US Navy Develops Robotic Ships For Launching Drones

    Researchers from Atlantic University (FAU) in Florida and The U.S. Navy have developed robotic boats from which drones can be launched in order to protect U.S. coastal waters. Their goal was to create a system that can reliably and safely navigate the coast with a high level of precision and protection. The FAU will create... Read More

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  • MIT Researchers Create Miniature Drones

    Last year, researchers at MIT created a miniature computer chip designed to help bug sized drones fly. Now, they have reduced the size of the chip and its power consumption even further. Associate professor, Vivienne Sze, at MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and her team have created an innovative new chip... Read More

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  • Drones Are Being Used by Researchers to Monitor Marine Life

    Jordan Lerma is a 26 year old drone pilot and self taught marine scientist who was born in Hawaii. He worked for a time in San Francisco in the finance sector before moving back home to Hawaii. Upon his return, his love of nature was reignited. He has captured many amazing videos and photos with... Read More

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  • Emergency Drones Used In Water Rescue Operations

    Drones are quickly becoming mainstream in both marine and offshore industries. Drones were initially used for filming aerial videos, but today, they are being used in new and exciting ways. DJI, a top drone manufacturer noted that they are moving into the field of onshore and offshore search and rescue operations. To show how common... Read More

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  • Farmers Are Using Drones To Pollinate Their Crops

    As bee populations decline, scientists and farmers are looking for a solution that will help with pollination. Recently, a New York tech firm assisted the agricultural industry in a major way. They helped a local apple farm in Lafayette pollinate 300 acres of crops. They got help from a startup company called Dropcopter which used... Read More

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  • Researchers Train Artificial Intelligent Drones to Identify Violent Behavior In Crowds

     Automated surveillance drones will become more common as researchers and companies discover new ways to use machine learning to analyze live video footage. A recent project from experts in India and the UK show one possible use for this new technology, which is identifying violent people in crowds using drones equipped with cameras and... Read More

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  • Drones Are The Future of Aviation and Many More Industries

    With the increase in drone technology, drone taxis might soon become common. The current direction of flight technology is clearly pointing in the direction of unmanned flight. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) also known as drones offer a huge benefit to our economy and society. Drones will help improve many industries. They will change how deliveries... Read More

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  • Drone Firefighters Set to Help Battle Summer Fires

    For some states, summer unfortunately means fire season. ScanEagle is a drone created by a company called Insitu which is one of the first drones being used to fight fires on a large scale in Oregon. During the recent Eagle Creek fire, ScanEagle flew over the fire zones for about 66 hours in total, over... Read More

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  • JD Starts Drone Deliveries in Rural China

    The world’s first operational drone delivery program is live in China. While Amazon has promoted its drone delivery plans for years now, it has still not started commercial deliveries. Amazon most likely won’t start drone delivery until 2020 or when the rules and regulations for flying drones are upgraded. In the meantime, the Chinese company,... Read More

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  • Commercial Drones Helping With Inspections

    Inspections are an essential business process in many industries. Carrying out inspections is normally a dreaded task because of the cost and time it takes. It can sometimes result in a temporary halt in production as well as unexpected delays.  Inspections can also be a dangerous activity that require people to risk their lives. Now... Read More

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