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  • Drones: The Modern War Machines

    The US military is known for being one of the first organizations to widely use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, otherwise referred to as UAV’s or drones. These drones are highly capable and sophisticated machines. They are flown by a pilot on the ground remotely. They can also be be controlled by programing in preset coordinates. The... Read More

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  • Students Work to Create Drones That Can Stop Potential School Shooters

    Some time ago Skip Parish saw a story on the news about 17 people that were murdered in a school shooting. Sickened, Parish decided to devote his time to finding a better way to protect people in such horrific situations. Parish, an inventor himself, joined forces with the Bradenton School, a Manatee Technical College known... Read More

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  • Oil Industry Set To Use Drones For Dangerous Inspection Work

    The oil industry is always looking for ways to increase efficiency and lower operational costs.  With the constant increase of new technologies, many industries are evolving with the times and the oil industry is no different. Oil companies are now looking at drones to carry out some of their most dangerous jobs. In an offshore... Read More

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  • Criminal Gang Used Drones to Disrupt an FBI Stake Out

    Last year, a hostage rescue team from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) created an elevated observation platform to evaluate criminal activity below.  As they assessed the situation, a hum of small drones was heard and suddenly they were surrounded. The drones flew past the agents at high-speed with the intention of distracting them, which... Read More

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  • Military Plans To Use Aircraft as a Drone Docking Station

    An aircraft that will serve as a drone docking station to launch and recover fleets of drones may soon be available to the U.S. military. The Pentagon is partnering with private technology companies to make this vision a reality.  Last month, DARPA, the Pentagon’s ­advanced research and development team gave out a $38.6 million contract... Read More

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  • Telcom Giants Plan to Use Drones As Base Station For Emergency

     Drones are seen as a great tool for taking dramatic aerial videos as well as inspecting crops, buildings, and other forms of infrastructure. They are also being developed as a tool to improve mobile and internet connectivity during emergencies.  A bad mobile signal is frustrating and during emergency situations can mean the difference between... Read More

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  • Researcher Uses Drone to Map Melting Glaciers

    To map Greenland’s remote ice sheets, researcher Joseph Cook, needed to tackle the problem from an aerial perspective.  He camped out for several months on the ice sheets of Greenland and although it was very uncomfortable, Cook knew that this was the only way he could accurately map the effect of climate change on Greenland’s... Read More

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  • Researchers Use Drone With Augmented Reality to See Through Walls

     Drones make excellent remote sensing systems, perfect for deployment into disaster areas for emergency rescue operations. Drones can move quickly over large areas or maneuver through buildings, distinguishing debris from survivors by using different types of cameras and sensors.  Even though the data provided by a drone is invaluable, management and operations of the... Read More

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  • DJI Report States That 65 Lives Were Saved Last Year With Drones

    The drone company, DJI, has released a report showing multiple instances that people have been rescued by drones during the last year. The drone manufacturing giant stated that at least 65 people have been saved using drone technology.  The report comprises of incidents from five continents, including the rescue of climbers stranded on mountains. Drones... Read More

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  • Drone Parachute Safety System Developed By Austrian Company

     At many drone expos, there is always some new technology that grabs the attention of attendees. This was the case at a recent drone expo held in Amsterdam. An Austrian company developed an inventive parachute system that keeps drones with in-flight malfunctions from crashing. The CEO of the company, Andreas Ploier gave a break... Read More

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