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  • New Jersey Lawmakers Set to Pass Bill Restricting Drone Use

    The drone industry is fast becoming a billion dollar sector as millions of drones are sold each year. As the industry grows, the legislature in certain states such as New Jersey is being reformed to follow the direction of this growth.  New Jersey lawmakers are considering taking some new steps to criminalize the incorrect use... Read More

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  • Mandatory Drone Registration Bill Signed By President Trump

    Before flying a drone in the United States, you must register with the FAA. Registration costs $5 and can be done online on the Federal Drone Registry website.  Before this law was passed in 2015, anyone was able to operate a drone with no guidance from the FAA.  At the time, drone operators were asked... Read More

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  • Los Angeles Firefighters Using Drones to Help Control Fires

    Los Angeles, California battled fiery blazes last week. The fires in Ventura, San Diego, and LA destroyed over 500 properties and forced over two hundred thousand people to leave their homes.  The most troubling image is to watch firefighters run into fiery homes and buildings to save people. Even though they are protected with the... Read More

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  • Drones Can Foster Business Growth And Change Our Tomorrow

    Years ago, only a few people could have imagined how much UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) would transform our technological landscape. Drones are now used by many, from toys to high-tech business applications. They are used in agriculture, military, e-commerce, health services, real estate and so much more. Due to the global adoption of drones, sales... Read More

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  • Researchers Destroy 600 Drones During Safety Tests

     What if the skies were filled with thousands of delivery drones? In a worst-case scenario, one of them could lose control and crash into a crowd below. The potential for accidents caused by drones is one of the reasons many people are skeptical about the widespread adoption of this new technology.  The Federal Aviation... Read More

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  • Chinese Company JD.com Using Drones To Deliver Seafood In Canada

    In Canada, a drone network plan for seafood delivery is being developed by a Chinese company called JD.com. JD.com specializes in direct online sales and they plan to reduce the cost of land hauling from an East Coast processing plants to the airport.  The CEO of JD.com, Richard Liu, met with the Canadian Prime Minister... Read More

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  • Brunswick Maine Police Department Using Drones to Spots Trespassers on Train Tracks

    The Brunswick Police Department in Maine could be the first in the country to use drones in detecting trespassers on railway tracks.  These drones will have a detection system says Desiree French, a spokesperson for the railway administration. The impending plans to extend Amtrak’s Downeaster line (Brunswick) at the northern terminal is underway and if... Read More

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  • Is The Drone Company, DJI, Spying on Americans?

    The Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) believes that China is spying on Americans with DJI drones. In a memo released in August, they claim that drones are collecting sensitive data and sharing it with the Chinese government.  The memo particularly states that the DJI is targeting law enforcement and military infrastructures in America.... Read More

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  • Drones Threat to Stadiums Prompts Safety Precautions

    Drones are becoming one of the biggest risks faced by American sports stadiums.  Recently a drone flying over two San Francisco Bay area stadiums dropped leaflets during an NFL game. The good news is that no one was hurt. However, the risk is becoming more evident when situations like these occur.  The drone did not... Read More

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  • GAIL India Uses Drones to Monitor Gas Pipelines

    GAIL India Ltd is India’s largest gas transporter with a vast network of pipelines. Recently, the company deployed drones to secure its 15000 kilometers pipeline asset.  The director of pipelines, Ashutosh Karnatak said that the company hired a drone with a pilot for air surveillance of the pipeline at Chambal Ravines. Based on the success... Read More

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