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  • Drone Hobbyist Films a Rare Reverse Waterfall in Southwestern Utah

     “Reverse” waterfalls are considered rare events.  The phenomenon occurs when a fierce updraft of wind – typically raging at 60 mph or more – reverses the downward direction of the waterfall, spraying a long and smoky plume of mist that wafts skyward.  It’s an optical illusion but the sight of a waterfall seemingly flowing... Read More

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  • “Last Mile” Drone Package Deliveries May Not Be Cost-Competitive, McKinsey Report Finds

    Remote aerial package delivery via drone is finally getting its first big test.  Amazon, Walmart, Wing and Zipline, among other companies, are commencing delivery services in selected U.S. cities – 34 in the case of Walmart.   These are not full-scale autonomous  operations – only remotely piloted “last mile” deliveries that cover the final leg of... Read More

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  • Drones Are Tracking the Nation’s Moose Population

     Last week, a recreational drone flier in New Brunswick, Canada stumbled upon a rarely observed sight:  A moose shedding its antlers.  According to wildlife experts, the shedding of moose antlers is normally a fairly lengthy process; it happens only once a year after mating season and usually consists of a moose losing one antler... Read More

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  • It’s a Bird, It’s a Drone, It’s a Parrot:  DJI’s Leading Rival Soars

    China-based DJI is widely recognized as the world’s leading UAV manufacturer, cornering between 70% and 80% of the total drone market.  DJI exercises such complete dominance – not just over global production and exports, but also over new technology development – that other firms rarely get mentioned in discussions about the future of the industry.... Read More

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  • Japan Continues to Loosen Its Drone Restrictions

    Japan’s drone industry once lagged far behind the United States – now it’s poised to catch up.  Last year, under growing pressure from Japanese drone manufacturers, the country loosened its long-standing regulations that prohibited drone flights over residential areas and that also banned nearly all beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) drone flights, even in... Read More

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  • Amazon Launches a Drone “Smart Hub” in Greece

    Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is “all in” when it comes to drones.  Not content to establish one of the nation’s largest remote aerial package delivery services – it just got underway after many delays in Lockeford, CA and College Station, TX  – Bezos has launched an even more ambitious effort overseas:  the creation of a... Read More

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  • Could “Middle Mile” Cargo Drones Be the Wave of the Future?

    Do American consumers really need their store purchases from outlets like Amazon and Walmart delivered to their backyards by drone?  Polls suggest that many US consumers are skeptical of the idea, viewing it as something of a gimmick.  Last month, residents of  Glendale, Arizona – where Walmart just launched a pilot delivery service – expressed... Read More

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  • Drones and SWAT Operations: A Growing Niche

    Drones have many uses in law enforcement settings, including search and rescue, criminal pursuit and crime scene analysis. But one lesser-known highly specialized niche is the use of drones to support SWAT operations.  Drones can enter a building or room ahead of a SWAT team to gain situational awareness; they can also be equipped to... Read More

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  • Global Demand for Trained Drone Pilots Skyrocketing, Report Shows

    Will America and the world have enough drone pilots to meet the demands of the burgeoning drone industry? A study released last year by Research and Markets estimated a phenomenal 51.1% growth in the demand for drone pilots over the next five years.  In absolute terms that means more than 100,000 new drone pilot jobs... Read More

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  • China Debuts Its “Monster” Cargo Drone

     Another next-generation cargo drone– China’s TB-OD, manufactured by Tengden – is about to make its appearance on the world scene.  The monster drone, dubbed the “Scorpion,” is powered by four propellers and has a wingspan of 65 feet, but its most distinctive feature may be its twin boomed tail, and its enormous payload capacity... Read More

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