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  • Can Drones Film a 5K Marathon?  Handled Properly, It’s a Win-Win

    Most states and localities have laws in place that prohibit drone flights over government buildings and local parks as well as public gatherings. Even North Carolina – a state where drone flying is actively encouraged – has maintained such prohibitions.  Governments are understandably concerned about the physical threat posed by drones as well potential invasions... Read More

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  • Thanks to Zipline, Patients Get Medicine Delivered By Drone

    Zipline, the world leading drone delivery service, has just announced a partnership with Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City Utah to deliver prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to hospital patients via unmanned aircraft.  The drones, which resemble small winged aircraft, will deliver medical packages to patients’ backyards or to designated areas using GPS and sensor technology... Read More

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  • Package Delivery Drones Are Coming to a Backyard Near You

     Amazon’s first package delivery drones are about to achieve liftoff – literally.  The company announced this week that its latest drone model, the MK27-2, specifically designed for package delivery, will begin unmanned aerial flights from Lockeford, California and College Station, Texas by the end of 2022.  Last week, the company invited journalists and drone... Read More

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  • Oregon Moves to Lift Ban on Drone Flying in State Parks

    Flying drones in national parks and designated wilderness areas for commercial or recreational purposes is strictly forbidden under current federal law.  However, states are free to determine whether these same restrictions apply in the case of their own park lands. Many have seconded the federal prohibition, largely out of concern for visitor and animal safety... Read More

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  • Drones Document the Devastation of Hurricane Nicole

     New drone footage of Hurricane Nicole’s devastating impact in Florida is raising public awareness of the growing threat that these storms are posing to residents of small coastal towns.  The hurricane started as a tropical storm and was not expected to cause severe damage.  In fact, it came ashore as a Category 1 hurricane... Read More

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  • Austin-Based Drone Firm Percepto Secures a National BVLOS Waiver

    Drone industry advocates have been pushing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for years to allow unmanned aircraft to be flown without remote piloting, especially in non-residential areas for the purpose of surveying and protecting critical infrastructure.  While the FAA continues to debate new regulations to govern Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drone operations, the... Read More

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  • Ukraine’s Deepening Quagmire Has Become a “Battle of Drones”

    The war in Ukraine is fast becoming a “battle of drones.”  Each side has begun deploying small, hard-to-detect missile-equipped drones for deep penetration “kamikaze” attacks on the other side’s ground vehicles and rearguard encampments.  The drone war had remained at a low level until last month when Russia escalated its drone attacks and began targeting... Read More

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  • Regulators Debate the Future of Drone Hunting and Fishing

    Forty-five of the 50 US states prohibit the use of drones for the purpose of hunting wildlife, including bears, deer and birds.  The reasons are largely moral and ethical:  Using a drone to scout wild animals is widely viewed as a violation of the “Fair Chase Rule,” which stipulates that human hunters should not have... Read More

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  • “Cooperative Federalism” in Drone Development is Inevitable, Experts Say

    Is the federal government exclusively empowered – through the FAA – to regulate access to low-altitude airspace above private commercial and residential property?  One frequently hears this argument, especially from drone industry advocates seeking to promote and expand the use of drones to reduce their labor and operational costs and to enhance safety.  But as... Read More

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  • Drones Are Helping Archaeologists Explore Ancient Civilizations

    One of the most highly touted competitive advantages of drones is their ability to conduct aerial site surveys that are more cost-effective and technically accurate than field surveys conducted on foot.  Thousands of farmers and mining and construction company owners already swear by drones.  But drones are also proving their worth identifying the ruins and... Read More

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