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  • Chinese Video Game Company Puts On Large Drone Show Ending With a Scannable Drone QR Code

     Fireworks were first used in China during the Song Dynasty between 960-1279 to help celebrate festivals. These were simple explosive flashes that would brighten the night sky. In the 1830s Europeans discovered how to add colors to fireworks. By the early 20th century, modern skyrocket fireworks had made it possible for trained pyrotechnicians to... Read More

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  • Exyn Technologies Creates a Drone For the Mining Industry That Can Operate Without GPS

     For more than 40 years, the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception (GRASP) Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania has been pioneering the study and development of advanced robotic systems. The GRASP Lab offers a wide range of programs and has become known as a catalyst for drone technology. As the director of the... Read More

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  • Wingcopter Creates New Delivery Drone That Can Make 3 Deliveries Before Needing to Recharge

     Wingcopter was founded in 2017 by Tom Plümmer, Jonathan Hesselbarth, and Ansgar Kadura out of Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. Wingcopter’s goal is to use drone technology to address issues of supply and demand. As described on their website “Two billion people worldwide lack adequate access to medical care. Meanwhile, companies and organizations often struggle to... Read More

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  • Honda Patents a New Electric Motorcycle With a Drone on its Back

    Ever since he was a child in Japan, Soichiro Honda had a love for automobiles. Working his way up from a garage repairman to supplying parts for Toyota, he eventually founded his own automotive company more than 70 years ago. When Soichiro first founded Honda, he had only 12 employees working out of a tiny... Read More

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  • A Girl Scout Troop In Virginia Using Drones to Deliver Girl Scout Cookies

    In 1911, Juliette Gordon “Daisy” Low from Savanah, Georgia, met with the founder of Scouting, Robert Baden-Powell. When she got home, she called one of her cousins and said, “I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we’re going to start it tonight!” On March 12,... Read More

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  • Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) To Being Drone Training

    With the Morrill Act of 1862, West Point Military Academy Superintendent Alden Partridge helped form what would become the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, commonly known as the ROTC. The Act set up land-grant colleges that would receive funding from the federal government. In return, these colleges had to include military tactics in their curriculum. In... Read More

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  • Scientists Using Drones to Help Monitor the Remaining 63 Māui Dolphins From Extension

    For generations, people all over the world have had a fascination with dolphins. Beautiful, intelligent, and graceful creatures, dolphins are marine mammals that have become famous for how they interact with people. Unfortunately, humans have caused some dolphin species to decline in numbers. The baiji, or Chinese river dolphin, is one of the first documented... Read More

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  • The United Kingdom Investing Heavily In the Drone Industry

    The United Kingdom’s 2017 Higher Education And Research Act led to the establishment of the government allocated United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI), a conglomeration of nine departmental agencies into one unified organization. As stated on UKRI’s website, “Our mission is to convene, catalyze and invest in close collaboration with others to build a thriving,... Read More

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  • Canada Working on New Laws to Help the Drone Industry Prosper

    In the early 2000’s, there really weren’t any regulations on drone operations. At that time, drones were expensive military tools not available to the public. Non-military drones were part of DIY build kits found next to model airplanes in hobby stores. By 2010, hobby drones were slowly becoming more popular while some researchers began to... Read More

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