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  • Scientists Using Drones to Monitor Fish and Eel Populations

    The Saint Lawrence River, traversing through Canada’s Quebec and Ontario, bordering parts of New York, has long been an important North American waterway. It connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, providing the lakes with the necessary nutrients to support an ecological balance. The region was originally inhabited by Iroquoians until European settlers and... Read More

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  • UK Law Enforcement Agencies Using Drones to Stop Illegal Hare Coursing

    In 1776, the first formal hare coursing club was established in Swaffham, UK, though the sport dates back to at least 180AD. Hare coursing is a hunting sport in which dogs are used to chase and capture a hare. The point is not to capture the hare for food, but to test the speed and... Read More

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  • Drones That Help Protect Crops From Insects

     In 2002, Rob Baan established Koppert Cress in the southern Holland town of Monster. Rob’s mission was to grow delicious healthy food that would be inspired by and inspiring to chefs around the world. He had a sprawling estate of the art greenhouse built to grow the finest cresses, or microgreens, to make a... Read More

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  • Israeli Defense Forces Using Drones to Feed Endangered Bird Species

    Often when hearing of drones and Israel, the first thing that comes to mind is military operations. True, Israel is considered to be leaders in military drone operations, but recently Israel found a novel way to use drones that has nothing to do with the defense of a nation. A collaboration between some conservationists, a... Read More

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  • Protected Native Land On the Hawaiian Islands Being Surveyed By Drones

    In 1893, the Kingdom of Hawaii, under the rule of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole, was overthrown by a coalition of American and European businessmen. After a self imposed exile, Prince Kūhiō returned to his homeland and became a statesman, advocating for the rehabilitation of native Hawaiian people. As the only ever royal US Congressman, Prince... Read More

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  • Nigeria To Being Using Drones to Help Counter Piracy of Cargo Ships

    The earliest acts of documented piracy date back to the 14th century. While acts of piracy can be committed on land, in the air, or through cyber channels, the term mostly refers to acts of violence or robbery in maritime environments. With the advancement of modern weapons and speedboats, piracy has changed. Today mother ships... Read More

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  • Belguim’s Port of Antwerp, Adding Drones For Security, Maintenance and More

    Located in the heart of Europe, Belgium’s Port of Antwerp is the second largest seaport on the continent. Covering more than 120sq kilometers, housing at least 900 companies, and employing more than 144,000 people, the Port of Antwerp is Belgiums greatest economic contributor. In 2010, it was announced that the port would be receiving $1.6... Read More

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  • Aquiline Drones Creates First Drone Assembly Plant in the United States

    On January 12, 2021, the United States Congressional Research Service released their findings on COVID-19’s impact on unemployment. The opening line of the research states, “The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a significant effect on unemployment in every state, industry, and major demographic group in the United States.” The paper goes on to... Read More

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