Colleges and Schools Starting to Offer Drone Classes

More and more industries continue to embrace the potential behind using drones in their daily operations. The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International recently released a study that predicted drones to create more than 100,000 jobs in the United States between 2015 and 2025, an increase of $13.7 billion for the American economy. It is because of this that it is becoming ever more important for those interested in commercial drones to get the proper training for this competitive market.
Part of the process of becoming a commercial drone pilot is obtaining a Part 107. A Part 107 is the FAA’s mandatory license for anyone who wants to use their drone for a monetary gain. If you are using a drone strictly for hobby purposes a Part 107 is not required, but recommended. This insures that anyone flying a drone is well aware of all the safety rules and regulations that accompany drone flight. There are around 700 FAA approved sites around the country that you can take the Part 107 test. But for many, knowing where to start in preparation for this exam, and the responsibility that comes with operating a drone, can be overwhelming.
There are plenty of online courses that can help you prepare for the Part 107, and slowly but surely there are in person training classes opening up. One such program just completed it’s first session in Norwich, CT at the Three Rivers Community College. Three Rivers offers 47 different degree programs and 13 certificate programs. This past semester they introduced a non-credited 36 hour drone pilot certificate program. The course’s description states that, “This 36-hour course is designed for anyone interested in earning a UAS Pilot Certificate and learning about General Aviation. The course will cover topics including federal regulations, airspace, weather and weather services, radio communication and more. This course will be offered in a classroom environment as well as outside for a hands-on experience.” The course costs $275, and at the end of the course students would be fully prepared to take the Part 107 exam at one of the local testing sites for an additional $150 (the standard exam fee).
The Course was taught by Phil Smith, a flight coordinator for Gamma Aviation in Shelton and the owner of the Learn 2 Fly CT LLC Flight School based out of Windham Airport. Phil was surprised by the turnout for this new program. This program, that was open to the community at large, was the first of it’s kind offered in the area and saw 10 participants. Of these 10 individuals, only 1 was a student of Three Rivers. The rest of the participants were all adults in their 40s and 50s looking to give themselves an edge in this relatively new field. One of the students, Antoinette Molinari, enrolled after being encouraged by her son and his friends. She isn’t sure what if anything she will do with her new knowledge and certificate, but is excited at the prospects nonetheless.
Other participants included and aviation mechanic, building inspectors, and utility workers. All of whom realized that the use of drones in their perspective fields is growing. To be able to stay ahead in their fields, having the knowledge and license to operate a drone could be a huge bonus. As for Phil Smith, he proposed this program to the school with the full understanding that it could tie into many other areas of interest offered at the school. As the school’s website points out, “The ability to operate a drone is a useful skill for those with careers in the military, real estate, videography, insurance, agriculture, public safety, transportation, and more.”
Phil is hopeful that he will be able to teach this course at Three Rivers for the upcoming semester as well. He also hopes to be able to expand the program to other community colleges and institutes in the area.