Drone Video Benefits When Buying and Selling Real Estate

Beautiful Aerial Drone Real Estate Photo
The rise of aerial drones has resulted in many unique opportunities.  They allow the average person who may not have access to tons of high end equipment or limitless funds to snap stunning photos, or create stunning videos from the skys above. Advertising has always been a visual medium, or at least one that can stimulate the sense. Nowadays, in particular on the Internet, video advertising is starting to become more important than picture advertising. Obviously drones are a great way to shoot such videos. For people looking to make some extra money with their drone this is great news!  But it’s also great news for realtors and homeowners who want to sell a certain house. Drone Video benefits both seller and home buyer by showcasing a unique perspective of a property.

When it comes to real estate, drones are probably one of the most important new technologies to have an effect on the way advertising homes works. Drones can get amazing aerial shots and videos from the outside of the house, as well as provide virtual tours of the inside of the house. These can, in turn, be put online so that all potential buyers have a picture perfect idea of what the house is like long before they even visit it.  Perhaps being the factor that makes them come out to actually see the property in person.

Imagine a view of the home you want to sell from 1,000 feet in the air.  The potential buyer will be able to see the entire neighborhood, as well as the distance between houses, something many buyers are interested in.  This one drone video can in crease the interest in a whole neighborhood. A seller can show off beautiful parks or walking paths in the area, or the house’s proximity to any shopping centers. Now imagine the camera descending slowly from that height, circling around the house from all angles and then hovering near the ground level so a potential buyer can see exactly what it would be like to pull up to that house. It gives the possible new occupant of that house a unique three-dimensional perspective of the property in an almost cinematic way.

Using drone footage for marketing real estate enables a seller to highlight specific details of the property in a way that conventional methods of photography or video never could. Want to see the pool or the well-manicured backyard from a bird’s eye view? Drones enable sites like these to be shown in a way that is much more interesting than simply snapping a photo or taking video from the ground since, with that, only one angle would be possible. For large lawns, it would be hard for a potential purchaser to get a mental picture of the size of the property without the view only a drone could provide.

Drones are used for surveying land for the same reason they are used to “survey” real estate properties: they enable a person to virtually explore an area in a way that they could not otherwise. Obviously, hiring a drone operator is going to be much less expensive than hiring a helicopter or fix-winged aircraft, so realtors should take advantage of this opportunity. More and more realtors are using drones since they provide such a great return on investment – excellent footage is guaranteed to make potential buyers more interested in the property being sold.

ABOUT US: DroneVideos.com is a Nationwide Media Company specializing in custom Drone Videos for real estate, commercial, farms, construction, golf courses, roof inspections and more. All of our Drone Operators are fully licensed and insured. When you purchase a Drone Video Package from us, you will receive a video professionally edited, color corrected and presented to you on an SEO-Friendly webpage that you can easily share online and on Social Media with a click of a button. Click here to get started.

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