Drones Being Used to Monitor Crowds During College Football Games

As summer winds down and fall approaches it’s time to start thinking of all the joys the autumn season brings. From cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, and everything pumpkin spice flavored there is a lot to look forward too. One of the most anticipated fall occurrences in the United States is most certainly the beginning of football season. Whether you cheer strictly for college or professional teams, or none at all, the conversation of football is sure to come up quite often. Something that will be new to some football spectators this year will be the implementation of drones around football stadiums.
Both the University of Michigan and Pennsylvania State University announced that local and campus police will be flying drones in the areas of the football stadiums this year. The University of Michigan Department of Public Safety released a list of upcoming dates when students and residents could expect to see drone activity in and around Michigan Stadium. All of the dates coincide with UM home football games. The dates are: August 30, September 6 & 27, October 4 & 25, November 15 & 29. These are not days of the actual games, but rather the Fridays before each home game. The police have obtained a permit to use a drone to inspect along predetermined areas of the stadium complex. The drones will not be flying over residential buildings.
Penn State Police will be flying drones during home games in and around Beaver Stadium. The first game is set to take place on August 31st against the University of Idaho. Penn State will be operating the drones with either the University Police and Public Safety Unmanned Aerial Systems Unit, or the specific drone unit the university has in place. The FAA has granted Penn State permission to fly drones over the crowds.
For both schools the purpose of these drones has nothing to do with getting a great shot of what is happening down on the field. The goal here is simply to create a secure environment. With football game attendance growing yearly it is important for police to maintain an upper hand when it comes to security measures. Using a drone will give authorities just that edge. They will be able to monitor a large area in a quick and efficient manner, allowing spectators to enjoy the game safely.
In statements released by both schools they reminded the public that it will only be authorized police members allowed to fly drone on these days. In Penn State’s statement they say, “The University reminds fans that members of the public cannot operate personal drones in or around Beaver Stadium or on University property without proper authorization.” In fact, flying a drone on either campus is strictly prohibited unless it is part of a school based program with the proper prior approval from the school’s drone units.
With both of these schools embracing drones to keep their campuses safe, it should only be a matter of time before more schools adopt a similar protocol. Drones and universities are a perfect fit. The edge drone services can provide university staff and student are innumerable. Who knows, maybe a student will one day design a pumpkin spice scented drone?! Until then football fans can be confident that their stadiums will be well protected.