Nashville Entrepreneur Is Using Drones to Aid Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an escalation of the two countries’ ongoing 2014 Russo-Ukrainian War. The world watched in shock as Russian forces brutalized Ukrainian civilians in what has been regarded by much of the world as a show of force by a greedy dictator, Vladimir Putin. For Joe Freedman, a Jewish entrepreneur from the Nashville, TN area, he was reminded of how the world sat back and watched many of the atrocities of World War II. As a Jew, Joe was raised with the notion of never allowing what happened to the Jewish people during the Holocaust to happen again.

As weeks turned into months of the occupation of Ukraine, Joe faced an internal dilemma about how to help the people of Ukraine. “But what could I do? I don’t have military, medical, or other skills that would help. I can’t pull political strings. I’m just a businessperson who is sickened by watching a tyrant once again trying to get what he wants, no matter how many lives it costs,” Joe stated. Then he realized that as a member of the Nashville Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), the largest chapter in the United States, he did have the resources necessary to do something.

The EO got its start in the late 1980s as the Young Entrepreneurs’ Organization before eventually becoming a program that represents and supports nearly 20,000 members globally. The organization’s website states that their mission is “To help entrepreneurs achieve their full potential through life-enhancing connections. To move the world forward by unlocking the full potential of entrepreneurs. To enable transformational growth in our members’ lives.” Tapping into this belief, Joe contacted some EO members he knew in Russia and Poland. They responded quickly, saying they were eager to help too.

It wasn’t until Joe learned that a drone company for which he sits on the board of directors was receiving messages from Ukrainian drone pilots looking for aid that Joe had his “a-ha” moment. Red Cat Holdings, based out of San Juan, Puerto Rico, provides drone technology based on blockchain security for military operations. They informed their board that they were receiving requests from Ukraine for American-made drones since the Chinese ones they were using were failing them in their war efforts. Apparently, as allies of Russia, China was manipulating the drones being used by Ukraine to benefit Russian forces.

After seeing video evidence of manipulated drones, Joe immediately went into action to ensure Ukrainian forces had access to reliable drone equipment. “I rounded up a dozen high-performance drones from Red Cat Holdings and boarded a plane with fellow EO Nashville member Steve Curnutte,” Joe said. “Together with a drone expert from Red Cat Holdings, we flew to Warsaw, drove to the border, crossed into Ukraine, and hand-delivered the drones to professional drone pilots at their hidden headquarters where the drones are equipped for various tasks—some humanitarian, some military. Either way, they are saving innocent lives.”

With help from Polish EO members, Joe was soon able to secure warehouse space for more drones and equipment to aid in Ukraine’s war against Russia. However, that wasn’t the end of Joe’s mission. He, Steve, fellow Nashville EO member Chad Kapper, and the Ukrainian non-profit organization Aid Legion set up a new humanitarian organization in the United States. Drones For Good Worldwide has continued to ensure that Ukrainian drone pilots have the tools necessary for success. But Drones For Good Worldwide is not only focused on the needs of Ukraine.

On the organization’s website, it states, “Drones For Good Worldwide is a US-based non-profit organization that provides drones and other humanitarian assistance during disasters of any kind, including military conflicts across the world.” Some of the other efforts Drones For Good Worldwide undertakes include using drones for search and rescue missions, deploying medical and emergency supplies, or providing assistance after natural disasters like storms.

For Joe, Drones For Good Worldwide’s contributions toward Ukraine are what he is most proud of. “Though this is a dark time, good will prevail over evil in Ukraine, hopefully sooner than later,” Joe said. “I am especially hopeful because this is the first war in history when ordinary people, not just military personnel, are doing something to help those under attack defend themselves. My effort is one among hundreds—perhaps thousands—of others being carried out by people just like you. Maybe ordinary people can stop history from repeating itself.”

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