The U.S. Military to Use 3D Printed Drones

US Army Illustration
If you have ever used a 3D printer, then you know that it’s a fascinating technology that can be used to create three-dimensional objects with the push of a button. Now, 3D printing will be used in the front lines by the military. The US Army Research Laboratory has outlined a program that allows the military to order and print unmanned drones. The program has been in the works for some time now. Researchers want a scenario where an online catalog is used by the army to print out aviation parts. The officers will first evaluate and define the scope of their mission, after which they will choose the specs of the drone based on their needs.
According to engineer, Larry Holmes Jr. both seasoned and newbie drone operators in the military are interested in this new technology. They want the ability to create drones that will be used for specific missions. Drones that will be tailored to their needs, with the features required to achieve a successful goal. It is expected that 3D printing will produce a workable drone in just a few hours.
Using unmanned aerial vehicles is nothing new to the military. It certainly isn’t a novel idea as drones have been used by the military for decades. The army uses thousands of specialized drones for different applications, but this will be the first time that any entity will use the technology to customize drones on the go. The benefits are speed, efficiency, and cost effectiveness. Army officers can create drones that will suit their special needs in a few hours and at the fraction of the cost of ordering one and waiting for it to be delivered. For example, a Raven drone cost as much as $250,000, but a 3D printed version can be printed atonly cost a fraction of that.
3D printing with off-the-shelf parts will enable this program to stay affordable. The approach of the design team is modular and will integrate easily into the rapid growth of the drone industry. Even though it may seem unconventional to a lot of people, it makes more sense when you consider the fast pace that drones are advancing.
With the 3D print method, new technology can be integrated quickly into production. Parts can be swapped out easily and upgraded without recalling a fleet of drones. For soldiers, getting a drone just to do a quick task will become just as easy as ordering a pizza.