Wearable Drone Jammer For Military Personnel

© MyDefence
A new wearable counter drone technology system is now available. The new device is called the Pitbull and was created by the company MyDefence. MyDefence creates counter drone technology which was started by a group of former military officers with experience in military operations and radio technology.
The Pitbull, utilizes “smart jamming” to disrupt, enemy drones, by disabling them when they come near the person wearing the jammer. It’s described as a “tactical solution” by MyDefence due to its small size. It is designed to be worn on the uniform of the military personnel while still being as non obstructive as possible.
MyDefence is the same company who created Wingman 103, a similar device used by special forces. MyDefence is confident that these drone jammers will help to defeat enemy drones during combat. Aside from attaching the device to the uniforms, there is no further input necessary, leaving the military personnel to proceed with their mission without worrying about potential drone attacks.
This new technology has been described as a significant advancement in countermeasures against the use of malicious drones. Successful implementation of this device in live combat will certainly be a life saver. With deaths and injuries from drone strikes consistently on the rise against both military and private contractors, this device cannot come soon enough for those currently serving in the military and private forces around the world. Weighing less than one kilogram, the Pitbull is the perfect solution for soldiers operating in enemy territory, where the use of both homemade and commercially available drones can be used against them.