Zipline Drones Delivery Medical Supplies & Saving Lives

© FlyZipLine
In 2014, Zipline was created with one simple goal in mind. To deliver life saving medical care to the over 6 billion people around the world who are not fortunate enough to live in areas with fast medical access. Using meticulously designed drones, Zipline is now successfully delivering medical access to over 11 million people. The process began with the development of the technology in Half Moon Bay, CA, then the drones are assembled in San Francisco, Ca. Then finally, the drones were tested in the extreme weather conditions in Davis, CA.
The drones they use fly autonomously with extreme precision. They are launched from a device that resembles a slingshot, and are then retrieved by something that resembles a fishing hook. Because of this process the drones can reach over 100 km/h, delivering packages weighing 1.8kg (3 units of blood). These drones are capable of flying in all types of weather. Since the drones fly autonomously, costs are kept to a minimum, allowing for more life saving deliveries. And this process has proven to be effective throughout Rwanda where initial distribution centers are set up.
The proof of this success is evident. In the past, getting medications to isolated areas was extremely difficult. Either the medication or patient would expire before being brought together, as the trip could take several hours or even days. Now doctors can immediately request whatever vaccines, blood, or other critical supplies they need, and have it delivered within 30 minutes. Zipline has two major distribution centers that deliver more that 60% of Rwanda’s blood supply to over 30 hospitals, and at least 500 healthcare centers. The drones drop off the package attached to a parachute in a space about the size of two parking spaces called a “mailbox”, then return to the distribution center without ever coming in contact with any people on the ground. If a doctor needs more than what one drone can carry at a time, the distribution center simply sends out more than one drone.
To the people of Ghana this was at first unreal. They would see the drones flying overhead and thought it was crazy. Much of the world still views the idea of drone delivery as something fit for science fiction. But as Alice Mutimutuje, a patient who benefited from a Zipline drone said, “I used to see the drones fly and think they must be mad, until the same drone saved my life.” Fifty percent of the deliveries made by Zipline drones go to save patients like Alice. Mothers suffering from post delivery hemorrhaging. Thirty percent of the deliveries are being used to bring transfusions to children under the age of 5.
Keller Rinaudo, CEO if Zipline International, couldn’t be more thrilled with the results. Because of this system he says that, “Hundreds of families will now watch their kids grow up because when their children contracted malaria, Zipline delivered the blood they needed for a transfusion.” According to their website, “Zipline flies more than 40,000 km every week. That’s the equivalent of circumnavigating the planet!” And they show no signs of slowing down. On April 24th, with the aid of the government of Ghana, they plan to open 4 new distribution centers. This will provide care to an additional 20 million people of Ghana. They will also be soon opening a center in Israel as well as the United States to service more rural areas.
With the success of Zipline there is no reason while world wide medical care can’t be available. Their system provides the life saving treatment in a means that governments and healthcare institutions can support. It works, it is rapid, and cost efficient.